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Posts posted by LukeWasTaken

  1. 1 minute ago, Scriptorian said:


    I legitimately feared for Kaladin in this moment. Fighting a master Awakener amidst the laundry is like fighting a Mistborn in a minting facility.

    Like fighting an Elantrian in Elantris, Like fighting a Surgebinder in a highstorm. Everyone has their zone. Kaladin had just entered into Zahel's.

  2. I am pretty sure there is some WOB out there saying that investiture resists its own, such as why it takes a very strong allomancer to push metals inside of someone's body, it is the same with trying to soulcast or lash someone in shardplate, or someone infused with stormlight.

    What I am trying to get at is that I don't think the feruchemical charge would take to it because it would be invested, unless the plate was completely drained of stormlight.

  3. 1 hour ago, Iarwainiel said:

    I take it you're talking about Kelsier from The Final Empire, right? not Secret History, etc.?

    IIRC there's a WoB that Kelsier is very tough to beat because he "fights dirty" (has no trouble breaking the rules)., and for that reason I'd have to go with Kelsier.

    With Bronze, Kelsier would always know where Wax was. He could also use Zinc and Brass to confuse Wax emotionally. Those are solid advantages.

    This is a great thread! Interesting to think about! :)

    You make some good points. to Clarify yes, it is Kelsier from TFE, I'll edit that in. In regards to the fighting dirty, yeah I have seen that (Specifically for fighting Kaladin and a fistfight out of everyone) So it seems pretty safe to say that Kelsier would win. Wax would have need to pull something crazy to pull out ahead.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

    What's the environment? i feel that's important in a fight like this, where both opponents have access to steel.

    I think Kredik shaw would be good, so I added that up above.


    9 minutes ago, Frustration said:

    The gun is just a slightly better coin, something Kel has dealt with plenty of times, no way Wax wins.

    Remember that Kelsier has not dealt with objects going that fast, while Wax has spent decades(?) out in the roughs fighting other allomancers. Kelsier also only has 2-3 years of experience, Wax has a lifetime.

  5. Okay, Kelsier from TFE with access to the 8 basic metals and gold, Wax with access to steel, his bracers at the beginning of AOL, and Vindication with all 8 bullets. Who would win?
    as a sidenote, neither one knows the others powers. and Kel doesn't know about guns.
    EDIT: Lets go with the outside of kredik shaw, that is a neat location to fight at I think for our two steel users.

    Kelsier Strengths:
    -Experience Fighting Mistings
    -Expert of his time in Iron and Steel usage (see his fight with the Inquisitor in TFE.)

    Wax Strengths:
    -Most likely a steel savant, Which I percieve as his ability to push lightly on all things around him (see steel bubble)
    -Lifetime experience of using allomancy
    -Feruchemical Iron to control his weight
    -Experience Fighting Mistings (And some Twinborns)|
    -EDIT: Remember that Wax does have bullets specifically for allomancers in Vindication.

    Kelsier Weaknesses:
    -Only 2-3 Years of being a Mistborn
    -Can be brash and Impulsive

    Wax Weaknesses:
    -Not expecting a Mistborn (There hasn't been one since the catacendre besides spook)
    -No access to Pewter. That is a big oof when fighting our man Kelsier.

    Thoughts? Anything I missed above?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:


    ... so you didn't pay attention to her at first? How dare you, you heathen!

    I mean... Yeah, I kinda did. When I first read through WOK, I just wanted to read about our favorite depressed boy and didn't really understand why I should care about this scholar ginger and her teacher. Then she left for a book, and by that time I had already forgotten about her.

  7. @Aspiring Writer I am a coward, I will own up to it. To be honest, I don't actually think Wayne is that funny, I was just doing a bit. I do agree with your opinions though.



    I broke out laughing when Dalinar asked if Lift had a weapon in the Battle of Thaylen City and she said she could not read.

    And as for the Breeze/Ham dynamic, That was one of my highlights for the first Mistborn book.

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