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Posts posted by LukeWasTaken

  1. 1 minute ago, Random Bystander said:

    She turned around. "We are on another world. We dropped into a universe called the Cosmere, and are on a world known as Scadrial." She paused. "I'm Lilliana."

    "You know what? There is one way to prove this. I am going to walk out of this alley, find someone with a phone, and figure out how to get back to my house."

  2. Just now, The Unknown Order said:

    "Is there anywhere on earth where coins fall out of the sky?"

    "I don't know- winds can pick up light things like coins. It may have fallen off a roof or something- I don't know! It doesn't prove we were teleported on to a fake planet in a made up book series!"


    3 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

    "Yay! Another Cosmere nerd!" She grinned. "And yes. As in Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning." she paused. "And the unpublished Lost Metal. I saw a freaking coinshot earlier."

    Luke laughed, "You can't possibly be serious. Why would we specifically be sent here? Why would you even want to be here- that is, assuming we are on scadrial? No tech, no indoor plumbing, no. We are just somewhere else on earth."

    4 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

    "Yay! Another Cosmere nerd!" She grinned. "And yes. As in Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning." she paused. "And the unpublished Lost Metal. I saw a freaking coinshot earlier."


    5 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

    "Apparently, now, just to find some filled, identityless nicrosil. And to get to Roshar."

    "What? No, we can't get to roshar."

  4. 6 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

    "Era 2. From the looks of things, probably around all of the Wax and Wayne stuff. I am so glad I'm not the only Sanderson fan here." She said that with a grin. "Although, I don't think I'll last long. I am physically weak, and have awful hand eye coordination."

    "Look, the car doesn't prove anything. We could be somewhere else on earth. That doesn't mean we are on... Did you say scadrial? Like, the book?"

  5. 28 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

    "Uh..." she pointed to a very old fashioned car going down the road. It was the type of thing you'd expect to see in a museum. "Your theory has been disproved." 


    Pretty sure those didn't come around until Shadows of Self...


  6. 4 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

    She started laughing hysterically. Her pacing became more frantic, and as she spoke, she gestured wildly with her hands. "I literally fell into a hole while I was hiking. I fell asleep, and woke up on the ground. Then about 5 minutes later, someone shot through the sky. I think we may have ended up on a world called Scadrial. I'm... not sure if I pronounced that correctly, but whatever." She sighed. "Anyway, I also heard someone use the term 'rusts' as a curse, and that is one of the more prominent curses in Scadrial." She blushed. "I think I may be a bit obsessed with the Cosmere stuff. I could be completely wrong though, and we are still on Earth. Um, where exactly is Mackinaw Island? I started off in New Mexico..."

    Luke was pretty sure she was crazy.

    Traveling to other worlds? People shooting through the sky? There had to be some logical explanation. Even though Mackinaw Island and New Mexico are almost on other sides of the country. "Mackinaw island is in Lake Huron, right off the coast of Michigan. They don't allow cars there, so you either need to use carriages or bikes. I'm not sure how you got here... um, maybe it was a mechanic who said rust. Falling into a hole while hiking," Luke paused, "Heat stroke? You may have passed out. I know it gets warm down there near the equator." In February though? Luke frowned, seeing the logical failings in his own arguments. How does someone in New Mexico get to Mackinaw Island?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

    Lilliana was panicing. She was running around the alley waving her arms around. She didn't know what to do. There were other people, but she didn't care. WHAT THE FREAKING FRICKIN FRAKIN! I'M IN SCADRIAL! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need to calm down. Breathe in-2-3, out-2-3, in-2-3, out-2-3. Once she calmed down, a thought struck her, and she began to grin. I have a PB&J wrapped in aluminum foil! I'm not going to die immediately. I am so glad we were out of plastic wrap. I've never been so glad for a shortage of anything in my life! I never thought I would say this, but Covid actually caused something good. She clutched onto that thought to keep her relatively calm, although she still was pacing. "Hi. I assume you are all from Earth as well? Like, Covid-19 Earth? I think we dropped into the plot of a book... I think. Either that, or I'm insane."

    Luke watched the blonde pace back and forth in the alley. He didn't know he would grow more concerned when she started talking. "Um... Yeah, we are from earth. Where else would we be from? And... plot of a book? I think you are letting your imagination run a little too much. We are probably on Mackinaw Island."

    Luke looked around the alley again, "Um, I do have to admit though, I generally don't wake up in alleys." 

  8. 18 hours ago, AonEne said:

    Oh heck now I want swiss rolls :wub:

    "The walrus gets too short, and die," is definitely the definitive definition of the defined Swiss cheese and rolls.

    "The walrus gets too short, and reads," is definitely the definitive definition of the defined Swiss cheese and rolls.

  9. Quote

    okay then, here we go I guess


    Name: Luke Johnson (Alias)

    Appearance: 5’11” (But will tell you he is 6’0”), Portly, Short Black Hair, Stubble.

    Skills: Fire Building, Safe use of Axes, Knives and Saws, Video Games, Knowing Random Fun Facts, Reading (Quickly?).

    Weaknesses: Socially Awkward, Terrible at small talk, Takes jokes too far, Procrastinates to the last second, reads to the detriment of grades.

    Personality: ISTP. Introvertive, doesn’t like social situations. Very in the moment, prefers the simple answer. Solves more problems with objective thinking than emotions. Deal with problems as they come.

    Backstory: Born in Michigan, Still lives in the same house for all 16 years of his life. Been in scouts for 10 years. Has been playing video games for 14 years. Reading Brandon Sanderson for 5 years.

    Investiture: Slider (Bendalloy)


    Luke started waking up, but shut his eyes tight to the sunlight above him. He had sworn he had closed the curtain to the window right beside his bed, but he had left it open. Then he rolled a little and found he wasn't on his mattress again. He must have rolled onto the floor again in his sleep. He hadn't done that since he was seven.

    He finally cracked an eye, and found himself not staring up at his ceiling, but at the sky. Luke rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before sitting up. He was in an alley, garbage littering the ground. Luke coughed from the dust being kicked up as he watched several difference horse drawn carriages walking down the street. Luke squinted, Am I on Mackinaw Island? That was the only place he knew of that didn't use cars in the US.

    And he wasn't alone. Several other people were getting up as well. Where was he?

  10. 2 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

    Okay. So, I came up with an idea for an RP. It might suck, but I'm trying it out anyway.

    Anyway, the basic idea is that people from Earth (yes, our Earth) got teleported somehow onto Scadrial. The characters somehow get one (seemingly random) allomantic power or feruchemical power, and get to travel through Scadrial. They are from our current time period, so I don't think they would be too frustrated... I mean, Covid... This would start at the time Alloy of Law starts.

    Anyway, if you're interested just post a character sheet. My person is going to be me, (except for the name) and is going to have some extensive knowledge of the cosmere. If you want to play someone from Scadrial, that would be okay too. (I'll wait to post a character sheet until I see if anyone is actually interested in this.)

    Also, we get to mess up the plot if we want! Or not! It depends on what happens. 

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    Random Bystander:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Name: Lilliana Collins

    Appearance: shoulder length dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, skinny

    Skills: Fast reader, good at math, good swimmer, fair writer, good at remembering big picture stuff, good at cooking and baking, good at playing video games (not that it would be helpful on Scadrial...), good at biology and chemistry

    Weaknesses: Physically weak, terrible with history, not detail oriented, bad hand-eye coordination, extremely bad at spelling, can't remember people's names very well, has a hard time focusing, has sensory processing issues, scared of both needles and heights

    Personality: Has ADHD, is cheerful in most situations, overly friendly

    Backstory: Moved around the US a lot, and recently moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Is LDS, and is homeschooled. Covid happened, and life started sucking. Uses the 17th shard website as Random Bystander. :P

    Investure: TBD

    *is me, but with the more personal details (name, address, etc.) changed.


      Reveal hidden contents





    Yeah, sure. I'll play as myself.


  11. 4 hours ago, AonEne said:

    She glanced at Luke, who seemed to be waiting for her.

    While the child- She can't be any older than 12- took the phone from Cassie, Luke decided now was his time to talk to her, "Um, Is there another Elsecaller here?"

  12. 2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

    "It's nothing." Cassie hesitated. She should check; the chance that Lapis had Lashed her way to safety or healed with spheres amid wreckage was too high. "Hey, um, do you ever find yourself doing something that shouldn't really be possible? Something that helped you live when..." She avoided the words plane or crash with embarrassment. 

    Luke was going to ask Cassie a question, but she seemed busy at the moment. Luke wasn't really paying attention until someone else in the living room mentioned something called sand mastery- That doesn't seem to match the pattern of powers Cassie was describing...

  13. Luke took a seat down the the chair, his head resting in his hands. He could feel Silk's displeasure without looking at him- he didn't like it when Luke let his emotions control him, which he shouldn't, but... Luke sighed. There was just a lot to take in. Not even 10 minutes ago, he was sure that he was just crazy and was seeing things, and now it was all becoming very real very fast. Luke took a couple deep breaths, I just need to calm down and think. What had Cassie said? Elsecalller. One of ten orders of Knights Radiant, each with a different spren and fantastical powers, and I was chosen. Chosen by... Who? his eyes drifted down to Silk. "Why me?"

    Silk hopped off my shoulder, growing to full size. He looked like a statue made out of black marble, his voice a perpetual monotone, "Humans are erratic. We seek to find those among you who are least so."

    Luke didn't think he was exactly a shining beacon of rationality, but he nodded anyway. "So, Cassie mentioned that there were magical powers. Would you happen to know how I use them?"

    Silk gave me a bland look, but of course, that was generally how Silk looked, "Surgebinding. I know nothing more." Great. I can teleport and turn things into other things, but my magical guide doesn't know how to do it either. Although, thinking back on it, Luke was pretty sure that Cassie mentioned also being able to teleport. She called it Transportation. If that is the same thing I have, perhaps she could help me with it? Luke stood up, and with Silk on his shoulder again, went back out into the living room. 


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