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Posts posted by LukeWasTaken

  1. 2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Alena came crashing down, screaming and flailing her arms.

    Lash yourself. LASH YOURSELF!!!

    Somehow--she didn't know what she did--Alena gradually stopped falling, hovering a good fifty feet above the chasmfiend.

    Great. Now lower yourself down.

    "How--how do I do that?"

    Just... it should be instinctual. The voice sighed. Whatever... you'll figure it out. Eventually.

    Young watched Alena stop moving in the air with a sigh. At least she isn't falling, I guess. He turned his attention back toward the huge crab, who seemed to have its attention on others. Now... Now would be a good time to hide. Hopefully the others can do something about that thing.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

    Any ideas for offensive abilites of aviar? (or something pretty cool) I would rather not be stuck looking at dead bodies while everyone else is flying around with swords... I will If I have to though...


    Laughs in forgery without stamps yet.


  3. Quote

    Hmm... an unprepared forger is basically the same thing as a normal person. With no weapons against a chasmfiend, that worth is absolutely useless. Also, I am assuming that with stamps they would a. come naturally to me, and b. there would be a larger threshold for what will take in a stamp. Any other ideas for how god tier forgery could work?


  4. 1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Alena ducked as the fireball hit the chasmfiend, making it roar in 10% pain, 90% annoyance. It kept rushing, though.

    Quick escape. Quick escape. Where could she escape to?

    Suddenly, without thinking, she did... something.

    And began to fall up.

    Young was pulling on Alena until he suddenly felt his grip on her slip as she was yanked upwards. I guess it got her. Young took a look back- and she was floating.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

    ok, instead of being 6x bigger, can it be 2x bigger and the area around it (like a few miles around the mountain) is so full of power that weird things happen there (like time and space distortion and things invested with power behave strangely around there, also the area just looks weird in general)


    Wheel Of Time Spoilers:


    Time being distorted? Sounds kind of familiar to another strange place... Shayol Ghul.



  6. 1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Run. Yes. That seemed logical.

    Then why wasn't she doing it?

    Alena stood, frozen in fear, staring at the chasmfiend.

    Young spared a glance over his shoulder, and noticed someone was just standing there. He stood for a second. Then he started running back.
    I'm an idiot. I'm such an idiot.

    He grabbed the person's arm and tugged on them, "Come on, Run!" The crab yelled as it pulled itself fully on the plateau. It had spotted them all in the field, and Young knew they couldn't fight it.

  7. Quote

    Okay, here we go.


    Name: Kreare

    Ancestry: Dwarf

    Age: 300 (Human equivalent of 45)

    Magic: He has two magical abilities. He can sniff out magic like spoiled milk, and is able to forge, craft and enchant magical items and weapons. The catch is that he needs to find someone with those magical abilities to copy them.


    Physical Appearance: He is quite tall for a dwarf, at a staggering 4’7”. He has a long, brown, braided beard on a square jaw. His face looks like someone took a shovel to it.


    Personality: He has the personality of a brick. He is extremely stubborn and hard to impress. He has little patience for those that he doesn’t have business with.

    History: Kreare grew up in the dwarven territories. Like most dwarves, he served in the militia and, eventually, turned to craftsmanship. Kreare gained much prestidge due to his unique gift of being able to copy magical abilities into items and given to others. Most newer magic items you find will have his seal on them.



  8. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    The chasmfiend crashed up onto the plateau, crying mightily.

    Young looked up at the giant crab as it crawled its way onto the plateau. "RUN!!!" Young screamed out, then took off at a dash.

  9. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Are you tearing a hole in reality?"

    Young looks on it amazement, and terror. Everyone else had strange things happening to them. Should he be happy that he hasn't been affected, or has he just not been paying enough attention? With renewed effort, he patted himself down and found nothing. He looked around- nothing. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

    "what is it?"


    I am not really sure. Those are the main birds you see in the short story. Maybe you can search the arcanum for more stuff about the birds?

    "It's too dark down there. I can't see anything."

  11. 1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Yes. Thank you. Is everyone here feeling like they've changed? Because I feel like I've been... empowered."

    "I don't feel any different."

    1 minute ago, Chasmgoat said:

    "oi think we need ta get out of here, oi doesn't like the way my corpse is sitting right there."

    "Your... Corpse?" Young looks around. No bodies. "Don't worry, it sounds like you are not the only person around here seeing things. As for getting out of here, does anyone see any signs of civilization? Smoke on the horizon?"

  12. 2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Everyone CALM DOWN," Alene said, holding her hands to the side. "We need to figure out what's happening here before we do anything rash."

    "Okay, lets look at the facts. All of us seem to have come from different places on earth. Some of us are behaving strangely. We were all torn from our lives and now we are here, in a field with alien grass, in the middle of nowhere." Young looks around, "I think that about sums it up?"

  13. 17 minutes ago, Tesh said:

    I posted a status update a while back about potentially either starting or joining a role play.

    I decided to start one.

    These are the people who originally commented on that update, so if you're interested, please join!


    Basically I just made a really standard fantasy world, a character, and the start of a story. This was originally going to be a short story, but wasn't working out. 

    You can make a character with whatever powers/magic/skills you want (nothing too crazy), as there's no set magic system. If you want me to add something to the map, I'll happily do that.

    Here's the map: (It's actually a good quality picture for once. You have to zoom in to read stuff, at least on my phone.)

      Reveal hidden contents


    From now on, all non-role play stuff goes in quote boxes.

    The streets were quiet, almost completely devoid of life. Only the occasional person would appear outside. Their hands shoved deep into their pockets, and their breath would puff out with each exhalation. Soon after coming into view, they would disappear again, either around a corner or into the warmth and light of a tavern or shop.

    Talnic watched each person with interest. He himself didn’t mind the cold, and so he took his time, relishing the quietness of the main street. He hadn’t been in this particular city for several years, but the last time it had been spring, and everywhere had been bursting with merchants and civilians and visitors.
    Now it was all empty and quiet. And Talnic liked the quiet. It was when he could think best.
    Unfortunately, as he neared his destination, he knew that he would soon have to leave the quiet behind. It would be replaced by the rowdy sounds and smells and heat of life.
    Another person hurried into view from around a corner, and then quickly stepped into a building alongside the road. The sound of laughter spilled into the street, but Talnic didn’t spare it a second thought. He had long ago realized that he was best suited to his own company. Other people were simply too unwieldy and unpredictable.
    The door slammed shut, and Talnic was once again left with the sounds of his boots crunching in the snow, and the gentle noises of his own breathing.
    A moment later, he reached an intersection in the road. He turned to the right, and went up to the first door on the new road.
    It opened with a soft ping, and he quickly stepped inside, stomping the snow from his boots on the thick rug across the entryway. The door shut softly behind him as Talnic took off his gloves and tucked them into a pocket of his coat.
    “May I help you?” a soft voice asked.
    Talnic looked up, making sure his hat was down low enough that the person wouldn’t be able to get a clear view of his face.
    The speaker was an elderly man with a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles perched at the edge of his nose. He was sitting behind a desk that was tucked between a pair of bookshelves right to the side of the door.
    “We have books from all ages of the world, all parts of the world, and in many languages from across the world. Many are originals, but even more are reproductions that can be bought for cheaper here than anywhere else in the world!” The man’s voice was frail, but he had about himself the eager air of a merchant about to make a sale.
    “No,” Talnic said. “I’m here for the meeting.”
    The man’s mouth opened in a small “o” of realization, but he quickly pushed aside his initial reaction and began to nod.
    “Yes, yes, yes, of course you are lad. This your first time going on one of these adventures?”
    “Where is the meeting?”
    The man seemed taken aback by the terse reply, and he sat up a little straighter, pushing his glasses up his nose a little further. With the glasses in a better position, apparently the man could see Talnic a little better. Or, more specifically, his sword, the hilt of which protruded from the front of Talnic’s coat, and the blade out behind.
    The man sighed, but motioned towards the back of the shop. “In the back room. Door’s closed but not locked. Let me know if you want to buy anything on the way out.”

    Talnic gave the man a quick nod, then began making his way through the maze of shelves. There really were a lot of books in the store. Some did look to be quite old, but it was unlikely that very many were originals as the man claimed.
    Once he found the back wall of the shop, the door was easy enough to find. He easily picked up on the faint sense of human life issuing from the room beyond and was able to follow it quite easily. Talnic eased the door open, and quickly slipped inside.
    There were probably about thirty men in the room, but none gave Talnic much notice. They probably didn’t know who he was. Or, at least, hadn’t connected “The Shadow,” the notorious underground adventurer who never got caught, with the tall, gangly teenager in the large hat.
    Talnic’s anonymity didn’t last long, however. After a few moments, he caught the eye of a large man with a short sword strapped to his waist.
    “Aye! Look who decided to show!” the man shouted across the room. The others quieted, and all eyes turned to Talnic.
    “Evening, Daric,” Talnic said, subtly adjusting his coat so that the pommel of his sword stuck out a tad.
    One of the men spoke up through the silence. “Well, who is he? What do we need this kid for?”
    Daric grinned. He took a deep breath, then proudly proclaimed, “This here… Well, this here is the Shadow! He’s gonna be assisting us, gentlemen!”
    There were a few chuckles, but most remained silent.
    “Carry on,” Talnic said.
    Slowly, the chatter started up again. Occasionally, a pair of eyes would flick up to look at him, as if to make sure he was still there. Daric began making his way towards Talnic, a large smile on his lips.
    “Glad you could join us, lad!” he said, thumping Talnic’s shoulder.
    “Don’t call me lad,” Talnic whispered, looking Daric straight in the eyes. “And don’t. Touch me.”
    Daric pulled his hand back with a jerk, and took a haisty step back.
    That was better. With that short sword, Daric would have the advantage in a fight that was too close quarters. He’d be faster to draw, for one, and it would be harder for Talnic to block.
    “You still haven’t told me what the job is,” Talnic said, pulling his hat down just a little further.
    “Aye, I was gonna get to that. We were just waiting for you. Have a seat, and we’ll get this thing moving, shall we?”
    Talnic didn’t move from his position beside the door.
    “Alright, then,” Daric said, sounding a little hesitant.
    Talnic still wasn’t sure precisely why Daric had brought him on. Not only did Talnic still not know what he was supposed to be doing, but Daric had also been the one to come directly to Talnic, and had told him of the meeting even after learning of his young age. Generally, people found Talnic through talking to others in the underground who he had interacted with in the past, and those people generally kept his young age to themselves as well. The more desirable the information that they shared was, the more that they’d get paid.
    “Alright, everyone,” Daric said, his voice cutting through the noise of the room. “Take a seat.” The people who were standing sat, and the general volume of the room lowered considerably. It wasn’t as silent as it had been when Daric had first greated Talnic, but it was a manageable volume.

    “I know that I haven’t told many of you of this new plan of mine, but I think most of you will find it agreeable.”
    These people haven’t even promised to go with him? Talnic thought. This man is an idiot. Without a devoted group, whatever he was planning would likely fall through the cracks halfway through.
    “Men, we’re going to kill a dragon.”
    A cheer went through the crowd, and a growl rose in the back of Talnic’s throat.
    The whole lot of them were idiots.
    “We’ll set out in a month. It’s a two month march to the dragon’s lair-” Another cheer went through the crowd. “Yes, yes, I know, it’s quite exciting, isn’t it? Well, from there… We’ll attack the monster, and bring it down! And then we can harvest its scales, teeth, and best of all, its gold!”
    The men cheered even louder, and even Daric, with a huge grin on his face, joined in.
    Talnic felt a red-hot fury boiling through his veins, and he swiftly strode up to the front of the room.
    “Are you an idiot?” he growled, jabbing Daric in the chest with his finger. “Do you know nothing? Do you want to get yourself and everyone else killed? What makes you think that you can kill a dragon? And why would it be a good idea in the first place?”
    Daric took a small step backwards, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. “Enlighten me, please,” he said, his voice cold.
    “No.” Talnic spun, heading towards the door. He wouldn’t tell these men what he knew. They were the type who would use that information for money and prowess. Talnic only helped men who would keep his secrets.
    Steel scraped wood. Talnic paused, then turned, a small smile on his lips. Daric was holding his sword out in front of him, a look of grim determination on his face. “People do not turn me down, kid. We can’t let word of this get out, you hear? We can’t have people beating us to that dragon.”
    “If you didn’t want any competition, then why did you invite a bunch of men here when you weren’t even certain if they would help you? One of them could go out as soon as the meeting ends and create his own little group of adventurers.”
    “Don’t call me kid.”
    “Listen, kid. You don’t want me as your enemy. Stop making me look like an idiot, and don’t you leave this room. You’re outnumbered, and each and every man here is easily more skilled than you.”
    “If you’re all so much better than me, then why ask me here in the first place?”
    Daric scowled, but Talnic just drew his sword. He held it firmly in both hands, the weight comfortable and familiar.
    Daric advanced, but unfortunately, with a one handed sword and no shield, he was at a disadvantage to Talnic’s longer, two handed sword.
    Talnic blocked the first strike with ease, and a moment later, Daric’s sword clattered to the ground. Talnic’s opponent stood clutching his right arm, blood seeping through his fingers, staining the sleeves of his coat and dripping to the ground.
    With a quick movement, Talnic sheathed his blade and strode from the room, not bothering to look back. The men behind him didn’t make any move to stop him.
    Talnic didn’t bother acknowledging the man at the desk as he left. He only paused for a moment in front of the door to pull his gloves on, then exited the shop, his only emotion a sort of grim satisfaction.


    I'll Join at some point.


  14. Young listens with one ear, but he is mostly focused on the grass, watching as it tore itself away from him, like a timid child. So lovely, unlike any grass from where he was from. Were they even still on earth? He had never heard of grass that behaved so strangely.

  15. 1 hour ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

    Hey y’all! If you are a stoneward, come here! @HoidWasTaken, because Wit is a stoneward. What? He swore the second oath! ‘I will be there when I’m needed.’ I swear, he said it! 

    Sorry, I am already an Elsecaller. As for Hoid,



    he is a lightweaver, got his own cryptic from elhokar and everything.


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