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Posts posted by LukeWasTaken

  1. 1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Not even I could come up with such a stupid acronym. The only thing I did was impress the idea of water travel into his mind."

    "That's smart. Speaking of smart decisions, How to you feel about a pact of non-intervention? I don't affect your land, you don't affect mine.

  2. Luke had made a bad decision. Yes, he was uncomfortable in his home life, but at least he had food, potable water, and a place to sleep up until leaving his home earlier that day. Still, he stared at the mansion across the street from him. "You're sure this is the right place, Silk?"

    Silk jumped off his shoulder, growing to human size. A normal size. Silk took the appearance of a man in his early thirties, except everything about him was in shades of black and grey. "As sure as reasonably possible. I am fairly certain I have seen multiple spren around this area." Luke sighed, then glanced back over to the house when he noticed someone knocking at the door. A girl in their late teens.

    "I think we should wait until they go in. Sit back, see what happens. Can't hurt to be careful." Luke glanced back at Silk, looking for an answer.

    After a pause, Silk shrank back down and Luke proffered him a hand back onto his shoulder. Then, they waited.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Somebody from Sel said:
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    The European kings would disagree



    I'm sure the European Kings would agree. I don't think they would want that blessing on all of their people. There is food to be made for the king's dinner table.


  4. 3 hours ago, Weltall said:

    Miles is explicitly burning gold in that scene allomantically rather than burning it for compounding or tapping stored health out of it. He's not getting both effects at once and his dialogue makes it clear that he only goes through the experience of seeing the gold shadows occasionally but we also know he's tapping health constantly and is compounding frequently to keep his reserves up, hence the comment that he always needs more gold. We also have a WoB that's quite clear about this:

    In other words, you only see the gold shadows when you're specifically burning gold allomantically and it's a piece of metal that isn't holding any feruchemical charge.

    thank you for that, my guide still remains relevant!

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