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The Unknown Order

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Status Updates posted by The Unknown Order

  1. I've been in Salt Lake City proper about three times, in the airport several other times, and have driven through even more times. It has yet to be for anything related to Brandon or Dragonsteel. My life is weird. 

    1. The Unknown Order

      The Unknown Order

      I'll add that I don't live really anywhere near Salt Lake or Utah. I live a roughly 13 hour drive away.

  2. My family is going on a road trip from Montana, to Salt Lake City, Utah, to Davenport Iowa. We're taking our cat, and he is not used to car rides.

    I feel so bad for him, but we're trying to make it as easy for him as possible. 

    1. Wierdo


      oh no- good luck!

    2. The Unknown Order
  3. I am become Shane, destroyer of worlds.

    Oh I love adrenaline, it's... so nice. 

  4. Alright, so I'm worldbuilding for a book idea right now and I need to decide which way I'm going to describe something. 

    The evil(ish) magic users in this setting have a certain type of deadly assassin creature that are called Smilers in world. That's important, I'll get to ut later. They can look completely like a human, but once they attack they drop their disguise. They have long manipulatable claws on their hands and slightly off proportions, but their main defining feature is their face. They don't have a mouth, but kinda to compensate they have a very large nose and big eyes, topped by bushy eyebrows and a small forehead.

    My main point of contention is deciding what their mouth area looks like. I'd appreciate if you could tell me which option seems scariest/creepiest.

    Option One: Nothing, just unblemished skin. I like this one, but feel it might be a bit too bland.

    Option Two: A painted smile, kinda like the Joker, but without an actual mouth inside. I don't know what it would exactly look like, but just some sort of tattoo thing that is permanently smiling. I like this one too, and it was my original idea, but I kinda think it might be too goofy for the serious tone of the world.

    Option Three: A sort of shriveled up mouthlike line, kinda Deadpool (not the current one, the old one) esque, with stitching appearing to seal it shut. Not so sure about this one, it kinda feels like it would attract attention away from the upper part of the face, which is kinda the opposite of what I want to do, but I think it's probably the creepiest.

    So your input would be much appreciated, this is bugging my mind and I'd really like some extra opinions. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Unknown Order

      The Unknown Order

      Hm, maybe. 

      My current plan is that they speak through telepathy, but that would fit with the underlying way that their bodies work.

      If you had to pick one of the three, which would you pick? @The Aspiring Archivist

    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Um... one or three. Maybe a bit more of a lean towards one because it seems like that aligns a bit more with what you want the effect to be.

    4. The Unknown Order

      The Unknown Order

      Thank you. I think I'm going to go with 1, though with jaw movements underneath. 

  5. Oh WoT Season Two Episode Two is wonderful. Such good characterization, especially Mat, and Selene, and Elayne (I was hesitant for a second, but I have decided I like her).

  6. Goodness.

    I'm listening to WoR (and reading SP3, and reading Unseen Academicals by Sir Terry Pratchett, but those are irrelevant), and I just got to the part where Amaram arrived. 

    It felt like a punch to the storming gut. I don't normally react hard to books, but I had to sit down after that one.

  7. I know I don't do these, like, ever, but I can't contain my excitement. 

    He's back! He didn't die and I love it so much I just want to know how he lived. Oh wow. Goodness I'm happy and I'm not even sure why it's so extreme, but HE'S BACK! And he's kneading storming dough. Wow. Okay, I'm going to cut myself off. I love Brian McClellan, and no, you get no other context.

    1. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Can I please have some context? Because I'm confused on many levels

    2. The Unknown Order

      The Unknown Order

      And he switches PoV right after, storming amazing jerk.

      And I'll give you context if you read the Powder Mage trilogy. And even that is almost a spoiler so that's all you're getting. 

    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I have not read that. So nevermind.

  8. Busy much?

    There's more than this, but this was all I could fit on screen.


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      A busy little bee B)

  9. I will likely be going pretty inactive for a while. I'll probably only be active for an hour or so a day, but I will still be here. Sorry for anyone this effects.

  10. Just got done with my Jiu-Jitsu tournament. I got double golds, so that means I get to icecream cartons tomorrow!

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