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Morningtide last won the day on July 10 2023

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About Morningtide

  • Birthday 08/07/2007

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  • Member Title
    Reading is not 'doing nothing'
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    Anywhere books are found
  • Interests
    Brandon Sanderson
    Leigh Bardugo
    Gerald Lund
    Maggie Stiefvater
    Neal Schusterman
    The Inheritance Games (PLEASE READ)
    All other books
    The Magnus Archives (PLEASE LISTEN TO)
    Piano Guys
    William Joseph
    Imagine Dragons
    The Score
    One Republic
    Andy Grammer
    All music
    Writing books that will probably never see the light of day
    Drawing to a minimal extent

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  1. I'm back from FSY! It was incredible! I loved it so much. I had the most spiritual week every and simultaneously one if the most fun weeks I've ever had. My company was amazing and everybody was so inclusive and awesome. 

    Some highlights: 

    1. The food was but as bad as I had been told. Wasn't good, but wasn't inedible either

    2. The classes were incredible. I found one teacher I loved and went to three of his classes! 

    3. Aggie Ice Cream is really good! 

    4. Getting to know my company. It was great talking to everyone.

    5. The guy who hosted the variety show Rick-rolled all 800 of us :lol:

    6. Testimony meeting! So spiritual and incredible. I actually cried and I never do that. The company that was with mine for that night had been thorough some crazy stuff but had amazing and incredible testimonies. 

    7. All the boys in my company showed up to walk to girls to breakfast on Friday, even though we were a mile away and they were right by the breakfast spot! It was so sweet. 

    8. The second dance! The first one wasn't good and they played terrible music, but the second was awesome! I danced with 4 boys, which is 4 more than I ever have before :P.

    It was just an all around awesome experience. 

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Morningtide


      Wow my phone put in shrugs instead of although. That's a difficult mistake to make. I'm a bit impressed! 

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Lol I think we actually didn't correct the text and gave absolutely no context afterwards. I still crack up thinking about it :lol:

    4. Morningtide
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