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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. *hugs* it sucks when other people commandeer your time for their own purposes. I don't really know what to say other than I hope it gets better and I'm sure you'll do great at whatever you're working on :).
  2. I'm on my way to a really cool orchestra concert! They are going to play a Nat Geo movie and the orchestra is playing the live background music!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Morningtide


      Just a general symphony type I guess? It really sounds just like the score for a national geographic movie. But it changes like in the desert biome it was lighter and quicker, and in the sea biome had a lot of deeper and slower notes. 

    3. Shining Silhouette
    4. Morningtide
  3. YAYYYYYYY!!!! I find it unendingly hilarious that the author just gave the character is own name I love them all! I have seen a lot of art of Jon with the random eye thingies so I'm looking forward to figuring out what that's all about! This is entirely too accurate ;-; He is so paranoid in season 2
  4. Ooh fun! I've tried to get multiple people to listen to TMA and all but one have outright said no because they don't like horror. ): The only friend that said yes is also my only friend that will watch Stranger Things lol.
  5. YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!! That is amazing! And now I'm picturing Gansey having *tired Jon* voice whenever he's scolding someone Also I HAVE CONVERTED A FRIEND!!!! We went to stay at a cabin for a weekend and I brought TRB and she started reading it and texted to ask me today who the author was!
  6. My stage of being terrified of all movies lasted until I was like 11. It was a bit ridiculous honestly. But now I like the occasional scary thing as much as anyone and simple things don't really get me anymore.
  7. POV: your three year old sister has figured out how to make your Alexa play the Gummy Bear song

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SymphonianBookworm
    3. Ookla, Harmony’s Hat

      Ookla, Harmony’s Hat

      Personally, I find gummy bears to be delicious

    4. Cone Slice

      Cone Slice

      I hate that song... kids played it in school anytime they had a chance to get ahold of the teachers display board. 

  8. Hehe I found this topic and am going to leave now so I don't spoil it for myself
  9. IKR THAT ONE'S SO GOOD lolol I can absolutely see that happening in canon. Side note, I started crying earlier because of Noah. So you all have to listen to "You were loved" by Griffin. It reminds me so much of Noah's arc. The song is just the whole Gangsey but especially Gansey taking to/about Noah and it was so perfect that I cried. The only issue is the line "we were young, we were broke" because the Gangsey is *not* broke
  10. This is what I get for being on the shard instead of doing Math homework
  11. If I ever needed proof that the American school system is crap I just found it. I stayed home from school because headaches do not pair well with large groups of high school students. So I'm sitting at home with relatively loud music and no other humans. It is currently 9:30 and I am completely done with my schoolwork for the day except for about an hour of math. So I'll be done but 11:00 at the latest I think.

    Why is school this way? It's ridiculous

    1. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying

    2. SymphonianBookworm


      Is it that school makes you more unproductive because of the people in it?

      Well, it's true. At least some times.

    3. Morningtide


      I'm not sure what I'm saying :lol: Honestly I'm just annoyed. I finished all of my school work in 3 hours and it usually takes me a whole school day so that says something *shrug* I got a bit rant-y lol

      Also I'm sure it's the people. people are nice but make doing things very unproductive :P

  12. Double post sorry. Here's the link to my pinterest thing. https://www.pinterest.com/Elsewatcher/ My name's on it but only my first one so I'm not all that worried. It's not super organized right now but I spent an unholy amount of time on it last night at equally unholy hours of the night so yeah
  13. Yes I completely agree. Some things in HP 4 are terrifying :l
  14. Lol I didn't even notice! Probably because I just hadn't started it yet *shrug* I have it organized now and I'll share a link when I'm back on my computer. I don't have much yet because I can only get on when I'm on my home Chromebook and my parents aren't paying attention.
  15. I'll totally share as soon as I figure out how to actually do anything lol How is that song so accurate I swear. Dream thieves is so good and that perfectly captures the vibe. The song that I always associate with Ronan is In My Blood by the score. HAHAHAHA I FIGURED OUT HOW TO PUT IT IN A SPOILER BOX!!!!!
  16. Yes I do Why does that feel like so long ago? It really wasn't. Also I made an account on pinterest I have no idea how to use it and it's super unorganized but I did it.
  17. @Ranryu I don't know you all that well but I know you well enough to know that you are a very cool and fantastic person! *hugs for whatever you're going through* I know you can pull through. I hope things get better soon!
  18. HOW AM I OUT OF REP EVERY TIME YOU POST HERE But seriously that is so good. I third the people above and say that I will absolutely read a book like that.
  19. I was late and I didn't see your original post but whatever it was *hugs* You are amazing!
  20. How do you all pronounce KOTLC? I usually go with "koltik" pronounced coal-tick. It's wrong but eh
  21. I tried to rep this but I'm out I feel for you
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