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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Being the oldest sucks sometimes. Case in point: Marvel movies. I was not allowed to see any Marvel movies until I was 14, which I thought was a little unfair. Now, my 12 year old sister is allowed to see all of the Marvel movies. I'm not exceptionally mad about that because her age seems reasonable. My 10 year old sister has seen Guardians of the Galaxy, which isn't too violent or anything so I'm not all that mad about it either. But this weekend I had a friend over and we decided to watch Captain America: Civil War, which is imo the darkest and most violent MCU movie to date. We decided to let my 12 year old sister and her friend watch it with us because why not. But now apparently my parents are completely fine with not only my 10 year old sister watching it but also my 6 year old brother and 3 year old sister. WHAT. They can't see Harry Potter 4 because it's too scary and violent but watching super heroes try to kill each other is fine?!? Especially when they have their own perfectly good movie (Big Hero 6) playing upstairs. It's just honestly ridiculous
  2. I have discovered something very shocking and amazing. 

    Groundhogs are supposed to live up to 14 years in captivity. Fairly normal for an animal of that size I think. 

    BUT. Punxsutawney Phil, the official Groundhog Day groundhog is 125 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!! How you might ask?

    According to the official website, he is given an "elixir of life" every summer. 

    WHAT. So we can make immortal animals now? Or is he just being replaced and nobody knows... :ph34r:


  3. I don't want to quote everyone, but I think that everything said is in some way true, but not completely. Everyone makes dumb decisions sometimes, but I don't think it's a gender-based thing and I don't really like that the world says it has to be.
  4. Well this is an interesting experience. I have never before lost the game in the middle of the night
  5. School's canceled for the second day in a row!!! One good thing about it being below -20 F

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Morningtide
    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


      I've never seen anything that cold!!

      It's literally like 40-50 F here right now

    4. Morningtide


      Idaho is quite cold :P Honestly I love it. Winter is my favorite season and I could not survive without snow.

  6. Yeah. I'm going to assume that it has something to do with our belief in a Godhead with three separate beings instead of one, and possibly our belief that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ both have actual physical bodies, but I don't know
  7. That's kinda awesome. I mean actually it's sad but I enjoy being a member of this very nice cult. Seems like it's going pretty well so far
  8. I've still got more than 25 months so I'm good for now at least
  9. This is actually amazing but kinda awful too.
  10. Yeah I probably read way too many books years too soon, so i'm withholding many of them from my siblings (the oldest is 12). She gets Mistborn this year but nobody else gets much of anything. I agree never give your brother your books Stealing books is a crime >:(
  11. Well. I was not summoned but I accidentally followed the thread. so that was fun
  12. Bleargh >:) @Szeth's Facepalm @Elf @Lotus Blossom @The Bookwyrm
  13. Umm I have no advice or questions but I just want to say that this is absurdly impressive. Speaking as a confident female alto/tenor, that is insane
  14. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO that is so sad!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT >:) I've said it a million times before but the emotion that you can convey is truly amazing. I actually almost cried when I finished it. The emotion is so raw.
  15. ........... no That is so bad I love it why
  16. I just had the most amazing and relaxing art class ever. My art teacher is teaching a bunch of different subjects (sculpture, drawing, ect.) and somehow me and one other person are the only people in the whole school using her suuuuper nice Prismacolor colored pencils this week! The other person was currently using ink instead, so my amazing art teacher let me sit there and organize all 17 packages of the colored pencils! They were horrifically out of order and some had too many pencils crammed in and it was just a disaster. It took me the whole period to get all of the things sorted out and it was the best 80 minutes of my week!!!

  17. I looooooooooved the Navani chapters in RoW and so she's probably my favorite now.
  18. The amount of time I just spent not doing math in my math class because I went through all 94 of my notifs. 

    It was significantly more fun that sin, cos, and tan! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Haha morntingtide this says something pathetic about my off shard social life but i was waiting all weekend for you to be active again so you'd see my thing in my art thread about TMA and my thing in the TRC thread lmaoo

    3. Morningtide


      lol that's amazing. I do the same thing honestly, especially for posts on the TRC thread! It probably says something bad about my off shard life that I am only on during school:ph34r:

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  19. TRC art is absolutely incredible and will make me squeal with joy continuously. I love that. I have had to stop geeking out to my friends about books because by some paradox the more I geek out about a book the less likely they are to read it!
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