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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Well I found it on Amazon music, which is usually my music platform of choice so I will start it! I'm excited it sounds amazing. I will PM you
  2. YES THIS. AH IT'S THE WORST @Cellit I don't think that there's a specific forum for that but there is the Non-Adult Club and Adult Club for people who are not adults and who are adults respectively
  3. I may have to listen to this! Where can I find it? Great art also! Can I ask why this is your least favorite day of the year?
  4. Still amazing. So many emotions. You have a gift for conveying amazing and completely realistic and relatable emotions through only dialogue. Keep writing!
  5. It looks so good! I'm somehow out of rep
  6. Yeah ikr. I will look at that as soon as I am not in school I'm excited! I LOVE IT THERE IS SO MUCH RAVEN CYCLE EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! @Szeth's Facepalm I summon thee! I should be doing math homework but this is such a better use of my time
  7. I dunno. I mean I think technically? It's blocked on my phone but I might be able to on my chromebook. My parents disagree with social media for teenagers. It's a good thing that they don't really understand the shard or I might not be able to get on here either. I honestly have no idea how pinterest works
  8. I would very much enjoy having your pinterest except I do not have pinterest lol
  9. Wow you've gotten so much better! You're doing amazing!
  10. Primary Power: Amplification of all other Epic's powers. I survive by essentially working as a sidekick/human amplifier of all other Epics, typically the most powerful one in my area. Secondary Power: Very slight hypnotics/emotional manipulation. This comes in handy when trying to talk down angry Epics who I'm working for. Other: I am very skilled with handguns. Not a superpower, just the result of years and years of practice. Epic Name: Mindblown Weakness: Trust. If you gain my trust, you become immune to my mind control. This makes me a very skeptical and untrusting person, always ready to betray my current boss if another, stronger Epic comes to town. Evil: I will do anything to get in power, including nice shows of my strength and force to impress other Epics. (read: killing lots of people in some impressive and thought-out way) Also I have a habit of using my slight hypnotics to acquire "faithful servants" who do everything for me. Costume: An impressively violet business suit, perfectly tailored, and a silver mask that covers the top half of my face before curling down to my chin, leaving only my mouth and one side of my jaw exposed.
  11. That whole series is fantastic. I agree. Rowan is the absolute best character. It's just an incredible series. The Unwind series by the same author is also utterly fantastic.
  12. Self help books kinda suck. Sometimes they can be fine but in my experience they're usually trash I think i'll get my books back soon, my parents aren't the best at remembering which random things the said they'd do. I could try that That would go over very interestingly lol
  13. My parents decided today that reading does not "give me the sense of fulfillment" that "all humans want". So I need to "limit my reading" to do things that are more "productive" and give me what I apparently want out of life. SINCE WHEN DOES FINISHING A BOOK NOT GIVE YOU A SENSE OF FULFILLMENT. And since when do they get to decide what I want out life life and what makes me happy!!!!!!! My rant is done now sorry

    1. 2EmLee2


      You got the physical copy already?!?!? Lucky!!!

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Morningtide


      No not the physical copy, the Hoid box. I think the physical copy got bumped to February because of delays. 

  15. That's incredible!! Your art is awesome That would make a really good short story.
  16. Rewatching Shadow and Bone with my sister. It's just as amazing the second time though!
  17. Whatever you want the answer to be! Personally I think it's an in-depth philosophical discussion about morality, honesty, and religion and portrayed in Cosmere novels See now this is a paradox. Because if I say yes, then I am wrong because the answer was yes. But if I say no, then I am wrong because the answer was no! I do believe that the answer is "potato" I have somehow managed to live my life without seeing any of those! A heinous crime I'm sure. But I have been wanting to see Interstellar for a while.
  18. Hmmm just got a bunch of SUs about the ama trend lol. I will jump on the bandwagon! You should go find mine and ask me some questions :D

  19. That sounds like a really cool book actually! But yeah I can see why your parents would absolutely hate that mine would too!
  20. Winter by Hideyuki Hashimoto. Instrumental and has really peaceful pretty vibes. reminds me a lot of the Raven Cycle @Szeth's Facepalm Edit: I'm 90% certain this is the song i'm thinking of but maybe not. I'll check when I'm in a place to listen to it and find out
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