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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. My Life by Imagine Dragons. It's kinda sad tho On and On by The Score. It has middle of the night vibes to me
  2. Even if most of this is true (which I seriously doubt bc you are awesome) it doesn't change the fact that you are an incredible person! You are amazing and you are special, especially to the people who care about you! Self-awareness is good, but you should think about the amazing things about yourself too! I know they exist. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! Also, I just want to say that this thread being super supportive and understanding is making me feel really happy and generally hopeful about the human race. Most of the boys that I know irl are kinda mean and this is just making me happy.
  3. They look great! The Steris one is suuuper good! The issue with my parents is seeing a thing labeled DO NOT ENTER would make them want to enter more
  4. I feel like just because they are our parents doesn't make it ok to violate privacy like that. I'm glad nothing truly bad came of it!
  5. Sounds hard! I'm glad it's gotten at least a bit better. This is a good place to rant tho! As far as I've seen, everyone on here is really nice and also totally fine with rants.
  6. I literally can't remember if I've already made an SU about this, so sorry if I have. 

    My english teacher said that for our next project we could pick any topic as long as it was about some "human development", which is a very, very loose term. So, I picked the formation/revolution of the fantasy, YA, and Children's lit genres! Essentially meaning that I get to write a whole essay on Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Disney, and all of their works. It's going to be awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Morningtide


      It's going to be a very fun few weeks :D

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      What about the wingfeather saga?

    4. Morningtide


      I should include that!

  7. Ooh. Across the Spider-verse and Dune part 2 definitely. All of the secret projects but especially #3. Loki season 2. I'm sure I'm missing something but oh well
  8. That's amazing! I've been meaning to get mine since fsy, but I keep putting it off. I think I should finally go for it!
  9. Very good! I think you're improving! They just keep getting better I do the same thing with my writing. Nothing even remotely bloody or any kissing lol.
  10. Yeah we don't try to be scary. Most of us at least . I know a few girls definitely try to be intimidating
  11. Well that sounds very interesting. What is your feeling on rocks?
  12. Oooooooooooooooh now that's interesting.
  13. That is a very nice shade of green. I approve. Yes, what is a zorth axis?
  14. yesssssss that would be so cool! What is your favorite shade of green?
  15. cool if you had to write an essay, but you could pick any topic in the world, what would it be?
  16. what is your favorite non-cardinal direction? (this way, up, left, that way, ect)
  17. Well this is true. A well done relationship is also amazing and I do love the friends to lovers. It's amazing when done well.
  18. Ooooooohhhh yeah I remember now. Their friendship is the best. I love platonic relationships in books. THey're always my favorite.
  19. My parents are convinced that after they yell at me the best course of action is to hear my apparently very agreeable and reasonable thoughts about how they can fix their parenting so that they can improve. Problem 1, my thoughts are not reasonable or agreeable at the moment because I just got yelled at. Problem 2, half the time I don't actually care what they say so I really don't have any thoughts. Problem 3, thoughts about how to fix their parenting are absolutely going to make them mad. I think that all adults just do not understand that teenagers have reasonable brains that are capable of logical thought *shrug* My friends and I have talked about this at length. We are capable and they kinda just don't get it.
  20. That sounds terrible. *hugs* I honestly don't know what to say about your sister, but that sounds like a really rough situation. At the moment, I'm thinking that it sounds like she just wants to make you feel bad, and that's terrible. I hope you get feeling better, you can totally PM me if you want to talk or just rant more. I will absolutely pray for them! *hugs*
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