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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. That uber sucks. I hate when my siblings walk up to me and deliberately do something that they know annoys me. Then when I inevitably ask them to stop, they switch to a different thing that will annoy me. Oh also whenever parents say "just tell me what you're thinking, we won't get mad." After they're yelling at me for one thing or another. Like, yes. You will get mad if I'm telling you what I'm thinking.
  2. THERE IS A GRAPHIC NOVEL WHAT??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? I DID NOT KNOW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that. Pictures that do subtle things like that make me very happy You made me laugh in the middle of math class and now my table is all staring at me weird Those are absolutely hilarious. I especially like the drowning and kicking ones. I think I just like Blue and Ronan lol. Also the Adam sleeping one and the face muscles one.
  3. Yes I noticed that! It made me really happy. This would be amazing
  4. Two things. First, the Netherlands Dwarf Rabbit is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. I need one. You should look it up. The second cutest thing is the Flemish Giant Rabbit and I also need one of those. You should look that up too :D 

    Second, I just took the Enneagram Personality test and got type 3, with type 1 close behind. 

    1. That1Cellist


      Yes yes yes Netherlands are adorable. Also, Dwarf Hotots and Dutches. They are so cute too.

      Also Lionhead rabbits are cute. I could go on and on about a bunch of different breeds but those are some of my favorites.

    2. Morningtide


      I have to look those up!

    3. Ranryu


      Oh great, now there are two of them :P

  5. Very true! Also I approve of the Dragon Prince formats
  6. Yeah I don't theorize about books I'm currently reading much so I had the same experience.
  7. So I downloaded Secret Project 1 on kindle. I thought I'd just read it off and on until the hardcover arrived. I have discovered that I have no self control :lol: It is currently 1:20ish am where I am and I just finished the whole book. I probably should have slept lol but it was sooooooooooo good! The prose and everything was amazing.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    2. Cash67


      I did the same thing the day after it came out
 24 hrs and another Sanderson book down!

    3. Morningtide
  8. Awesome! She's a fun character to read about. I've always loved the different sides of her personality.

    I'm very excited! And about to lose a bunch of money

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Morningtide


      Oh that would be crazy fun! I'm not sure if he does. Their website says that they get help from "byu writing faculty" or something like that and that theoretically includes him. I don't know if he'll be there though. 

    3. Ranryu


      He's been there before, though.

    4. Morningtide


      Oh really! I'm even more excited then. I was looking at the schedule and it is very clear that it is a whole camp full of teenage nerds. There's a book signing night and other equally nerdy stuff. I'm all for it :lol:

  10. Oh he's adorable. My whole family went "awwww" when he came in screen
  11. It's amazing! I watched it and it was so well done. Really captured the spirit of Christmas
  12. My new bookshelf! Not with Lost Metal on it yet because it's being read




    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cone Slice

      Cone Slice

      How are there so many library bookssssssssss? My library only allows me to check out an upwards of 5 :/

    3. Morningtide


      Oh that's terrible! Mine let's you check out 50 on each card. I did in fact hit the limit today:ph34r:

  13. Merry Christmas! I am happy to report that I got The Lost Metal and a new bookshelf because my other one overflowed :lol:

  14. I have so many fictional role models. Adam is incredible
  15. I'll have to go back and reread that chapter!!! Must be a really good one It's so SAD!! Adam needs more love and I'm shocked he's not always curled into a small ball of depression. I have a little meme on my phone about Will Byers and how he's still strong after everything that happened to him, but it all applies to Adam too!!
  16. My sister is a violist and does in have hate violins because people always think that she's just pronouncing violin wrong when she says viola
  17. Whaaaaaaat that's so cool!!! I've been to one of their concerts and it was incredible!
  18. That's sounds great! Tarot cards are so much fun. I can't take them entirely seriously either, but they're fun anyway. I know what you're talking about and it does exist. I love that chapter to death! It showcases everything that makes Steifvater amazing. It's only the first part of a chapter I think and it's somewhere near the beginning maybe? I don't know. I'll go skim through the book and update this post if I find it. Do you guys have a specific quote or scene from TRC or TDT that just broke your hearts? I have a few. Spoilers kinda for all the books but I was a bit vague. Only the last has DT spoilers
  19. I am invading >:) I don't play the cello, but if I had to pick a string instrument, it would definitely be the cello.
  20. I would have so much fun if they would let highschool have an ethics or philosophy class and we could write stuff about whatever we wanted and then debate it.
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