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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I'm rereading Ender's Game for the sixth or seventh time, and....... It's just so good. It's a masterpiece of literature. No matter how many times I read this book, I love it!!  

    Ender's Shadow and the rest of the shadow series is also quite fantastic and I plan on reading it right after I finish this :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Morningtide


      @Szeth's Facepalm you should ABSOLUTELY do a reread! 

      I should read the rest of the Ender Saga. Never got around to it somehow. The first two books of the shadow saga are amazing and the other 3 (?) are less good but still great

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      The shadow saga got more interesting as I got older, I thought.

    4. Morningtide


      I absolutely agree. The politics and intelligent writing just got better and better. likewise, the Demosthenes and Locke chapters in Ender's game used to be my least favorite, but are probably my favorite ones now.

  2. When you have the flu so you can't sleep so you're just going to be reading and watching stuff and being on the shard all night long. There are worse things :lol:

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      True :lol: hope you get better soon x

    2. That1Cellist


      Yes, there are worse things. Try to enjoy your inability to do things as much as possible, because otherwise you';; just feel bad.

  3. very true. like the -er and -est endings. The rule is that you add those if it ends in y or is one syllable long. And yet funner and funnest are not words *shakes head in disappointment at the entire language*
  4. Sorry if this is already done I don't want to go back through and read everything Why do we call it a pair of pants?!? A pair of socks makes sense because they are two separate articles of clothing, but a pair of pants? And we never use the singular form. We don't say "I have one pant on my left leg and one pant on my right leg. It's just a pair of pants!!
  5. OH this is so good! I meant to respond to the last one but I was busy and then I forgot :(. I love it.
  6. THose are so good! I'm out of rep
  7. I'm glad you were able to get that experience. I hope you continue to feel better!
  8. Lol. Adam is great. Well if you support your opinion, I say agreeing with yourself is fine
  9. Oh my goodness the Across the Spider-Verse trailer looks so good! I can't wait!!!

  10. lol! I picture you in like a collared shirt or jacket probably because that's what Szeth is wearing in your pfp. Brownish hair, not long but not really short either. Mid height I guess? And I still picture you with that book or pencil. The book is probably something from TRC or the Dreamer Trilogy
  11. I like yours honestly I right remember half of that stuff. Clearly I need a reread.
  12. Happy birthday!

  13. I think that I say that I have crushes on fictional characters, but I really don't. It's more like I just really like them and think that they are amazing. Like Gansey. I will say that I have a crush on him because he is amazing, but I don't really. I agree with you about how you can't have a crush on anyone that you don't know.
  14. Done:D Spoilers obv. This might be rough Call Down the Hawk Mister Impossible Greywaren
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