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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Ok just give me a bit. I'll do it during school tomorrow
  2. Oh my gosh these all made me laugh so hard. I'm in math class you can't do this to me!! I love it. Especially the angry gay catholic and the violent power tool bird. Amazing descriptions.
  3. Under no circumstances should you ever look up memes for fun while utterly exhausted. You will end up on the floor crying and unable to talk coherently for 15 minutes. :)

    On another note, I finished The Final Gambit today. It's the third book in the Inheritance Games series, and it's fantastic. Highly recommend to everyone 

    1. 2EmLee2


      But what if I WANT to end up on the floor, crying an unable to talk coherently for 15 minutes?

    2. Morningtide


      In that case you definitely should look up memes while utterly exhausted :lol:

  4. I went snowshoeing this morning! It was absolutely gorgeous. Nothing beats Idaho mountains. 


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Morningtide


      Nice autumns is good. This year our autumn was 2 weeks long and there are still leaves all over our trees lol. 


    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


      That's absolutely incredible!

      Those photos are beautiful!!

    4. Morningtide


      Yes! Part of me how's the snow never melts! But that would prevent food and stuff from growing so<_<

  5. I would grab a back and shove as many books into it as possible. Six of Crows, Raven cycle, anything else I love. This is probably cheating but *shrug* Then my very special stuffed bear that I think I might die without. Then my phone because contacts and people Clothes ... My family And that is quite a good Adam. I like the messenger bag a lot. Also I want these tarot cards now lol
  6. That's fascinating! It's a different word than interesting
  7. I watched the first episode of Wednesday last night! I'm enjoying it a lot! 

  8. That's a relief! I'm happy for you! It still sucks to be sick though. Get better soon!
  9. Those look so amazing! You continue to improve although at this point I'm amazed you can get better than you already are Good luck on your mission! I hope you get called somewhere cool unless you don't want to be then I hope you dont lol
  10. Yeah choosing is hard Greywaren is probably my second because the other two are tied for first. W&W is incredible but era 1 characters hold a special place in my heart as the first Sanderson I ever read. Elend and Vin and Kelsier and Ham and Breeze and SPOOK!! I just love them all.
  11. Oh my gosh I love those. I laughed so hard the first time I saw the second one too! I have a small addiction with just googling TRC incorrect quotes or memes whenever I'm bored. This is hilarious.
  12. Oh that one's gooooooood! Intrigue! I agree with Wizard. Spine tingling!!!
  13. hmmmmmmmmmmmm Stormlight Archive because it's absurdly long and will continue to get longer Also I'll probably notice new things each time I like the plot of 2 better, but the characters of 1. Unpopular opinion! AHHH Don't make me choose!!!! I love Dream Thieves and Raven King probably. That's so hard though!
  14. Sooooooooo

    I finished Stellarlune (KOTLC 9)

    Spoilers for opinion


    It..... kinda sucked. Apologies if you thought it was good. I've just been ruined by Sanderson and other amazing authors, and I couldn't get behind anything that happened :(

    Spoilers for actual plot


    The only good thing was the Team Foster-Keefe finally happened! But it happened in a way that annoyed me a lot so....

    Overall it was meh. I'll continue to read new ones, I just didn't love this


    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      eh, I get why you wouldn't like it.

      Imo, I thought it was one of the best Kotlc books yet.

      It solved a few issues regarding how legacy and flashback were for me. 


    2. Morningtide



      Yeah it was actually a really good book and probably one of the best, I just enjoyed the experience of reading it so much less probably because I'm older now and spoiled sadly


  15. That is adorable and sweet and I love it so much. It's so poetic!!!!
  16. I learned a cool thing the other day. So Ketterdam from the Six of Crows duology is loosely based off of Amsterdam, so many of the things to do with it have Dutch/Flemish/Belgian influences. And there's a guy (no spoilers) in Six of Crows whose name is Jan Van Eck. And apparently there is a famous Flemish painter from the Northern European Renaissance whose name is Jan Van Eyck! So that's just a really long way of saying than Bardugo really did her research while writing these books and it shows! It's always fun to find out something like that.
  17. I'm so sorry. It's awful to be treated like that, especially by people who should be your friends! Your new haircut looks amazing!!! You don't look like anything they said. You are not a loser I promise. You are amazing. Again, I'm so sorry. If you want to talk or rant or anything, my PMs are open.
  18. I love it! I love that Adam. He is so put together and just incredible.
  19. They look great! Percy Jackson is amazing
  20. Happy Birthday! Have an incredible day! and week! and year! You are amazing :D

    1. Elf


      Thanks so much! 

      You're am amazing person 

    2. Morningtide
  21. Ronan and Gansey are going to say sorry on three and then neither of them do it and Ronan is disappointed in both of them.
  22. Yeah I already knew a code almost exactly like this one, so I didn't have to do much cracking.
  23. 21 89 21 55 3 4181 13 21 2584 377 233 3! Although it's slightly more awkward especially near the beginning
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