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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I don't know why And I don't see you dying your hair, just having naturally dark blue hair *shrug* I also see no point it dying hair. I like my hair how it is lol.
  2. There are suddenly two more pages on this thread @The Bookwyrm I imagine you as medium height and with dark blue hair for some reason.
  3. Yes as I was posting this I thought I'd the Madonna t shirt! Noah's is intentionally sad bc I thought that he didn't get the plotline he deserved and he is generally a very sad character. Sad to read, not sad as a personality. Gansey's was so much fun to draw! Blue's is the most random. I really don't know why I picked that lol.
  4. Sorry for double posting. I did some trc art!!!! I was doodling and decided to draw a little picture for each of the gangsey. (Excluding Henry because I couldn't think of anything other than a bee and that was already taken) Also I used so many references for everything because I cannot draw unless I'm looking directly at what I'm trying to draw so don't think I just drew all of this out of my head Also now my brain is convinced that I've posted this here before, so apologies if I have. Edit: I can't put it in a spoiler box sorry
  5. Yes I want this so much. I have a cosmere star chart in my wall, but it needs to be my whole ceiling!
  6. Preemptive name change for Ookla Season!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      But this is what you were last year. :o

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      you began early.

      I'm gonna have to find a way to be an ookla without changing my username

    4. Morningtide


      Lol yes! this is in fact what I was last year because I am not creative enough come up with something that I like better! :lol:

  7. I imagine @Szeth's Facepalmas shortish with brown hair that's on the longer side of short. 15-16 ish. For some reason I see you with contacts but not glasses. Also I always picture you with a book or a pencil
  8. Oooh fun! An exclamation point is in fact not a period
  9. I made it halfway through the first book of WoT before quitting so I wish you all the luck
  10. YES ONCAT! @The Wandering Wizard Oncat is a cat from the series Shadow and Bone. Very small, very orange, slightly demonic if I remember correctly.
  11. Yeah i got that in the mail yesterday! It was funny. I read the whole article actually
  12. I also like Rings of Power don't kill me but this makes good points and is also a very impressive poem!
  13. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite book?
  14. No, but I have a sibling that only stopped barking at my friends 2 years ago. So that was interesting
  15. That's amazing 3 am me is also very special. That should happen in about three hours unless I magically fall asleep which isn't happening because I finished the Raven King and have been crying for half an hour. I swear I need google translate to read this series. Entirely too much Latin meaning of course that I love the Latin and would die for more books with latin in them.
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