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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I suppose I meant older siblings lol. Give me a book any day!! Yes please. Snacks and a book
  2. Lol! That perfectly sums them up! Henry is hilarious to me. Especially since I know someone kind of similar to them irl. Different in some major ways but it's still funny. Update and edit: I might have faked sick today so that I could finish my reread of blue lily! It was so good! For some reason I didn't like this one in the first time through but it was so much better this time! I also am about halfway through Raven King again.
  3. This is very true. Older children are also more easily distracted by TV, at least in my experience lol
  4. They look great!! Also I believe all of them except maybe Ronan are quite skinny so that's fine lol
  5. I can't decide if older or younger signings are more annoying. Younger are cuter, but older are more reasonable. But younger can't be argued with and older can push buttons
  6. This is true. I just make a point not to know that type of girl so they don't really factor in for me. boys are often wack. But often in a good way.
  7. I don't know. I have discovered that girls are either mildly annoying or good friends, and for some reason boys are either my best friends or significantly more annoying to the point that I don't like being anywhere near them. It's odd.
  8. I feel you. My youngest sister has determined that I may not call her by her name, I must call her Elsa. From Frozen. AND, I can't pronounce it normally, I must say it Elsssssssssssssssssssa. This would be cute, except she's serious, and if I don't there is screaming and crying. It's honestly amazing what kids can come up with!
  9. Yeah... mostly sorry kind of. You really should stop doing that But yeah Adam is not brutally murdered after a proposal. No promises for anything else
  10. The top thing I can't get over it The bottom thing: lol! Yes I love that
  11. I got 1000 posts! Actually 1001 because I didn't notice :lol: 

    I... am not doing anything special. But this community is awesome and so are all of you 

  12. I will find it. Also update. I have now taken approximately 12 what-raven-cycle-character-are-you quizzes and I have gotten Gansey on 10 of them. I got Blue once and Ronan once also. This is infinitely better than doing school.
  14. I can't quote this in my last post and you posted while I was typing so I'm double posting sorry everyone. My only actual comment is that you two are in fact sadists. I will look for those PMs Edit: I took the quiz and I got Gansey! I actually identify with him a lot so that makes me happy
  15. Truly, my favorite character bounces between Adam, Gansey, and Ronan, depending on my mood. They're just all so incredible. I have pain when I read about their pain and it is a bit worrying sometimes. Case in point - I read this post and I became so happy that I had to take a break and do something else before responding. That's probably not great, but it gives me extreme satisfaction. You need to draw the final scene in Dream Thieves where Ronan, Gansey, and Blue show up to Kavinsky's party and he turns up on top of one of the Mitsubishis. I love that scene so much! For the Raven King ... I dunno. Whichever Dreamer Trilogy book has the mirrors you know what I mean and I don't want to use a spoiler box because Calano will look at it >:( you should draw that. Also. THERE'S A NOVELLA?!?!?!? WHERE DO I FIND THIS??? Also. THERE'S A QUIZ?!?!? I'm taking it right now I might edit this post when I'm done. It really truly is. And you really truly do
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