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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. You really should stop. Thanks I just tried to tell you what my favorite character was and I got Kavinsky, Ronan, Gansey, Adam, Declan, Calla, and The Grey Man. In no particular order. I just love them all too much
  3. Sorry for double posting. I didn't want to edit my last one I just finished the Dream Thieves for the second time! (well last night. I'm in school now.) It remains my favorite one. I noticed so many more amazing things this time through. The Raven Cycle is magical that way SPOILERS AHEAD for Dream Thieves obv. NO LOOKING CALANO
  4. asdfgjsdkjfekhl how did I miss the last two!!! They're so good! Great conclusion these are incredible
  5. I like *GASP* you can't forget the boat shoes!!!!!!
  6. I like it very much! That video is the pinnacle of amazing. Doomie no more spoilers I just re-checked out all of the Raven Cycle from the library and I'm so excited for my first re-read!
  7. Welcome to the shard! I share your controversial opinion that Shallan is really cool. Do you have a favorite magic system?
  8. Welcome to the shard! That's an amazing reason to like a book in my opinion Who's your favorite character?
  9. I don't have anything to add on to what everybody else has already said, but I will second everything that has already been said. My PM's are also open if you need someone to talk to. Perhaps I can say that if you are worried about change, make sure that the person you are becoming is someone you want to be. Maybe you can't go back, but you can move upward, not down.
  10. WAIT RONAN'S BIRTHDAY IS TODAY?!?!? That's amazing! That literally makes my day I'm not sure why I'm so happy now. Scorpio Races is sooooo good. That sounds very difficult yeah.
  11. Welcome to the shard! Don't worry, you're doing it right
  12. mmm yes I forgot about those things. That's probably true. I mean splitting your soul through murder and sticking your soul in random objects that try to hurt/kill people who own them is shockingly dark for a children's book.
  13. Yep. One character specifically swears kind of a lot. I think it has the f-word about 10-15 ish times and a few other swears but those aren't as bad.
  14. I know you won't see this for a while but happy birthday anyway!

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