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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Welcome to the shard! Who's your favorite character?
  2. Honestly my idea of "girl things" that I talk about with my friends is books, movies, or a combination of both
  3. That looks incredible! I love it so much
  4. Yeah I actually did. Although I haven't really slept in like a week so that might play into it
  5. They look so good! I love Steve! He's one of my favorite characters
  6. That's probably my favorite as well! The ending is just incredible!
  7. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite book? We look forward to getting to know you as well!
  8. Thanks for following me!

  9. That's so sweet and sad! It feels like a totally realistic scenario and I love it
  10. I love this so much! It perfectly captures how I picture Kaladin
  11. They all look incredible! The temple announcement is amazing! Good for you!
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