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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Welcome to the shard!
  2. Welcome to the shard! Who's your favorite character?
  3. I also see it Also, my three year old sister got angry, so she decided the best course of action was to go pee in a box of plastic blocks. Like, WHY?!?!? Where was this decision made?
  4. I don't really do makeup in general. It bothers me for some reason. That's awesome! I don't know if my school is dressing up for halloween. They're sometimes strict about stuff like that. What is everyone going as this year?
  5. I'm the oldest of five! Hello all! My siblings mostly don't do that, they just talk constantly about things that do not need to be said . I DO NOT need to hear you count to 5000 at the top of your mind while three other people are arguing
  6. My whole extended family goes to my grandma's house on Sunday and we make homemade donuts and other awesome stuff. It's the best
  7. That's hilarious. Have you heard the song Fighter by The Score? I heard it yesterday while looking for new music and my brain just went RONAN Edit: I JUST GOT THE GOODREADS NEWSLETTER AND IT HAD GREYWAREN ON IT!!!! I'M SO HAPPY
  8. I like this idea. It would be a really nice way to look at good theories, and also make it less plausible that a bunch of "new" theories pop up that are actually just an old theory (and then whoever wrote the theory feels bad and nobody's happy). I have absolutely no authority to implement this though
  9. I..... am not going to read them I dunno I just love not knowing anything about the book going in. I'm fine if you spoil stuff in the chapters for me, but I'm not going to read them until the book comes out. It's more exciting that way! Dramatic is fun tho. And I completely agree.
  10. That's deep. I like it. It makes me think, and I like that!
  11. do i ever give off girl vibes tho??? Well those quotes formated oddly. *shrug* I didn't really get vibes related to gender from either of you. Some people give off strong vibes, but I didn't get any strong vibes
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