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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. That's hilarious lol. I don't like most audiobooks, but just because I'm picky about narrators. Whoever they got for stormlight and mistborn is good, and so are the Chronicles of Narnia, and so is Harry Potter. That's about it. I haven't tried the Raven Boys tho, they might be fine too.
  2. Welcome to the shard! Of Stormlight and Mistborn, which is your favorite magic system?
  3. That's true. BUT STILL Also. That last line is... crazy! I am now somehow more excited for Greywaren than I was before!! Also again. Have you guys read The Scorpio Races? Also by Maggie. It's seriously almost as good. It's incredible and you absolutely should read it if you haven't already
  4. Yes! I wonder if we're the only ones that have read it, or if we're just the only ones that know/want to comment on the thread.
  5. Welcome to the shard! Who's your favorite character?
  6. He's one of my favorite characters. He just has such a personality
  7. That's hilarious. Both the guessing and the quiz! I've been recommending the Raven cycle to everyone lately!
  8. My name does come from that character in Skyward! She's one of my favorites. I'm not on Shardcast, but I wish! That would be cool
  9. Sooooooo..... She hulk. 

    It was AWFUL!!! I don't want to offend anyone who liked it or thought it was good, but oh my gosh it's so bad. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, because it was like watching a train wreck! They tried so hard and they failed so bad. 

    It was incredible too watch. Horrible in every department. Cgi, dialogue, scenes, plot, characters, acting, MAKING SENSE?!? Like it was just hilarious. And they did this weird thing where she hulk keeps breaking the 4th wall, but in the dumbest way possible, where she talks to the audience about the show or just stares into the camera like in the office. 

    I'm going to continue watching it probably because of how unintentionally funny I find it. 

    That was my rant, sorry to anybody who liked it. 

  10. Thanks! I'm a bit pleased that you seen to think that I'm a very nice and wholesome person I try!
  11. ...May I request a meme? I can't think of a single memeable thing about me though...
  12. I LOVE the Stormlight Archive, and Way of Kings is an incredible start to it! The prelude is still one of my favorite chapters of all times
  13. Thank you @SymphonianBookworm! You are an amazing person and I'm glad that I met you too! You are very fun to talk to, and I think its awesome that we like most of the same books !
  14. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite book so far? I love all of Brandon's lectures that I've seen so far, and I've been meaning to watch more for a while!
  15. Hmmmmmmm. I'd have to say Rosharan waffles because they might be influenced by spren and then we'd have waffle spren, and that would be amazing!
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