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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Sorry for the two SUs so close to each other, but I have 2 more things. 

    Thing 4: I'm going camping over the weekend! It's going to be amazing. Idaho mountains might be the most beautiful place on earth.

    Thing 5: MY SISTER IS READING MISTBORN!  She listened to the first book last week and is on Well of Ascension now! I'm excited to get to talk to her about it. I was able to introduce her to the concept of a Sanderlanche last week

  2. Yeah that happens to me a lot too. We mostly say it nicely tho.
  3. Welcome to the shard! I didn't really do any searching, but you might want to do enough to try not to repost theories and stuff that already exists. We're not really strict :).
  4. Yes I think. I mean there has been one very sad part at Harvard so I assume so. So I'm most of the way through
  5. Three things.

    Thing one: I finished Peter Jackson's Return of the King, extended edition! It was SO GOOD. That movie takes the total number of movies I have cried during to 2. So it's impressive. 

    Thing 2: for my birthday, I received a lot of Barnes and noble gift cards, which added up to a grand total of $60!! I finally went to Barnes and used all that to buy 5 books. Crooked Kingdom, The Raven Boys, Call Down the Hawk, Scythe, and Five Kingdoms book 1! I've read them all, and they're amazing. 

    Thing 3: this is related to thing 2, but my bookshelf may have finally reached overflowing! Many of my books are too tall for the shelves, so they have to go sideways or tilted, and that takes up space. I think I can fit 3, maybe 4 books on my top shelf, but that's it. Yes, I know there's a lot of books my Maggie Stiefvater on my shelf. Shhhh. 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Morningtide


      Yes, I need another bookshelf. I'm asking for a floor to ceiling over for Christmas! 

      That's a very nice bookshelf facepalm! I hate when my books are in the wrong order lol. 

    3. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      What a great bookshelf! And I love your shell, it adds a bit of elegance to it.

    4. Morningtide
  6. I love it . I will have to read that novella, but I'll do it after I finish Call Down the Hawk and Mister Impossible. Ronan is currently just the best. What's your guys' favorite plot point?
  7. I will try that next time :D. Yes my favorite! Lol
  8. Elf's quote is having many special technology issues, so the words are different now and I can't delete all the facepalms I would also like to be taken to Cabeswater! It's sounds magical.
  9. I finished The Raven King! It's the last book in the Raven Cycle. 

    Officially one of my favorite book series ever and I'm on my way to Barnes and Noble to buy the first one of I can find it! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      @Thaidakar the Ghostblood there's four, and then there's a spin off trilogy. @Morningtide GO READ THE DREAMER TRILOGY :D The third one's coming out in October! It's about ronan and his brothers, and it's so good. (Not enough blue and gansy action, but that's ok, cause it says at the beginning "this is a story about the Lynch brothers" lol.)

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I'll maybe try it some time, who's it by?

    4. Morningtide


      It's by Maggie Stiefvater. I had to look that last name up:lol:. I just started Call Down the Hawk and I'm already so excited about it! Ronan is the best. 

  10. I love it! That's certainly better than I could do. Adam has become the newest member of a list of fictional people that I want to be like.
  11. Hello all fellow students! For studying and reading both, I like piano music, usually by William Joseph.
  12. Yes this exists! I love all the characters, but especially Nico and Percy (when he's feeling intelligent) and Jason. Annabeth was low key my 10 year old self 's role model. Yes absolutely. Nico is the precursor to people like Kaz brekker.
  13. Yay!!! I am fifty pages from the end of The Raven King and will finish it within the hour hopefully! I LOVE THESE BOOKS. My favorite character is probably Ronan. I don't really know why, I just love the depth and complexity of his personality. My second favorite is probably Adam, followed closely by Blue. But I love all of them! It's so hard to choose. Gansey is my heart and Noah is just the sweetest ever. Absolutely yes to both of these.
  14. Hugs! You are an amazing person elf, please don't forget that. I'm bad at saying the right thing, but just know that people here on the shard, including me, care about you! I hope you find a light in your darkness and make it thorough this. I'm here if you want to talk.
  15. Those are all amazing characters!
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