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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. All of Brandon's books, but the Stormlight Archive is my favorite of his The Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo . They're absolutely amazing and I recommend to anyone The Mortal Instruments and all accompanying prequels and sequels. They don't have the best plot, but the characters and writing style are fun. So is the interconnectedness. Dark Rise. I'm not sure if it's really a favorite, but it's what's coming to mind and the intrigue is cool Keeper of the Lost Cities. Character relations and k love triangles are fun. Plot is pretty good The Work and the Glory. It's about the Church of Jesus Christ is Latter Day Saints's pioneers. The characters and storytelling are amazing. The Lunar Chronicles. Very fun retelling if fairy tales. There's more, but I have a habit of thinking all books that I read are the most incredible EVER, so the other ones aren't getting added
  2. Welcome to the shard! Always nice to have a new member!
  3. That....that was beautiful! I couldn't agree more. People who aren't true readers don't understand when you describe yourself as a reader or go on and on about books for hours. They can't understand what it's like to truly experience a book in its fullest. Most of my friends are readers, and I think that this is because, to readers, there is no better conversation topic than whatever book has currently captured your heart and mind. I love books more than I can say, and more than I can understand most of the time.
  4. Words of Radiance only took me 2 days, and it probably could have been one if I'd read the whole day. I knew it was good so I read faster!
  5. May I join the Uno reverse cards guild/corporation/secret society?
  6. Welcome to the shard! I think life would be much less interesting without the Cosmere, and I would need to find a new hobby. Or several since this one's a bit obsessive
  7. "A surgeon must be timely and precise." Stormlight 5 prologue spoiler
  8. I wasn't saying that they needed lightbulbs or should make them, just that it's interesting how the magic system almost replaced the technology that we use. I believe that I phrased that confusingly, sorry. So yes, I agree with both things that you're saying.
  9. I have thought about this a little bit. I mostly just have a slightly off topic comment: It fascinates me that Roshar can be so technologically advanced and far behind at the same time. Because they have things like Stormlight for light, it is highly improbably to me that they will ever discover electricity, but at the current moment, they have discovered how to make what is basically flying cars (Navani's Fourth Bridge). I think that this is mostly due to the nature of the magic system, but it is odd how they could have basically holograms, which is what lightweaving screens would be, before they would have a lightbulb.
  10. Has anyone else ever realized that they know the songs on their playlist well enough to sing along without realizing it? VERY odd experience.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DramaQueen


      I've got one playlist that's 29 hours long, and it's a conglomeration of some songs that I really liked that had the vibe I wanted for my playlist, songs from a few of my friends' playlists (they played the playlists for me and the vibe checked out, so I added them before I'd even heard all the songs), and then a bunch of the songs that Spotify recommended to me based on the songs I already had.

      Now it's like the only playlist I listen to, so I know most of the songs pretty well.

    3. Emery the Steelrunner

      Emery the Steelrunner

      I just tend to listen to a lot of music. 

    4. Morningtide
  11. This is actually really fascinating and makes people with access to hemalurgy just that much more dangerous. Imagine what would happen if you took an average person and gave them Gold Compounding, effectively giving them the ability to fight shardbearers and/or Radiants because they can heal the wounds from the shardblades. Eventually, they would probably run out of stored health, but it would take a while and make them really nice unexpected assassins for powerful shardbearers.
  12. I'm reading Ink and Bone, which is an amazing book about a possibly evil library and one kid sent to join it. Very good; not Brandon level, but very good.
  13. Amazing! The raccoon is my favorite. It's adorable. Good painting and drawing skills!
  14. I love it. It's so good! Just finished the third episode last night. My only complaint is that the actor for Third Sister isn't that great. That doesn't ruin it though!
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