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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I love piano guys!!!! They're amazing and I have an entire playlist mostly filled with them. They're great to listen to while reading
  2. Being a nerd is so much fun! Welcome to our nerd heaven!!
  3. Yeah I should. Problem is, in my ward, none if the guys talk to the girls. We sit on opposite sides during combined meetings, and don't interact during combined activities. It makes me mad, but nobody will ever go with me to talk to them, and it's awkward just wandering up to a giant group of guys and starting a conversation. *Sigh*
  4. Yep. Nobody in my youth group at church has read Sanderson except this one guy who I don't know. It's quite sad.
  5. Welcome to the shard!! What's your favorite book?
  6. Now I'm really excited and need more cosmere books to prove or disprove this theory!
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! How could you do this to my emotions?!?!?!?!?!? I love it it's so good and so sad and amazing!!
  8. I love it! Kaladin is Adolin's son? Fun but a bit odd. Poor sad Kaladin. Even in this story he can't cut a break!!
  9. Obi-Wan is so good! My only complaint is that the main villain isn't a good actor! Not a great casting choice. The plot is interesting though and Ewan McGregor is amazing as always.

    1. Medium



    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      im going to try and watch the first episode tonight, can't wait to watch it, and nice rep lvl morningtide ;) 

    3. Morningtide
  10. I really hope that the issue is addressed more as part of Kaladin's arc, and I think it will be. It'd be so cool to see him causing that kind of social reform (though he kind of already set it in motion) It won't let me delete this quote I completely agree with this. The communication between the two was bad, but Dalinar went above and beyond to check Kaladin's accusation.
  11. Yes exactly! Honestly it's terrifying how much investiture they have. It's a REALLY good thing that Susebron it's so kind and innocent, or he would probably take over the entire Cosmere with the help of a small bit of Hemalurgy.
  12. So I didn't read an the comments, so I'm sorry if this has already been said. I like the idea that Unity is important, but I don't think that it's just another shard I really like the idea that the Dawnshards were used to kill Adonalsium by removing Unity. I think that Unity is the 17th shard. Kind of. Apparently, when you take a piece of Adonalsium, it gains an intent and can kind if do a few things on it's own. (Preservation was able to choose Vin as a vessel while not correctly holding a vessel) If Unity was broken off of Adonalsium by the Dawnshards, it is probably weak, drifting around the Cosmere, and without a vessel. However, like Preservation, it may be able to temporarily inhabit a vessel that fits it's specifications. Like Dalinar while he was fighting Odium. This could also explain some things like the presence of the in-world organization of the 17th Shard, who may have heard of this Shard's existence, and the perpendicularity on First of the Sun.
  13. Susebron might be the most powerful, in terms of investiture. That much breath is really hard to beat in terms of sheer quantity. That isn't saying that he has the most powerful ability, because he might not win in a fight, I just think that he might have the most raw investiture. A hard point of this is that Dalinar can literally open a perpendicularity and gain access to investiture at any time. But, since he isn't actively holding that investiture, I'm discounting him. In terms of political power, probably Kelsier. He and the Ghostbloods have connections on several planets and he probably has connections to several other organizations. In the future, my personal theory is that Navani might be able to challenge Kelsier for this title. If the Rosharans go space-faring, she'll probably be an enough to other works, or at least organize a lot of the diplomatic stuff. Even at the moment, a lot it if Roshar respects and listens to her.
  14. I would guess that the kandra would be able to look like any form that they wanted, but wouldn't experience the mental changes of the form. Kandra always have this own mind, even when in others' forms. This probably means that when they took the form of a parshendi, they wouldn't have the mental restrictions if the forms. For example, is they became a dullform parshendi, they would still function as themselves, and have full mental capacity. I would imagine that if a kandra can change the facial features of a human, they could change the form if a kandra. Not that it wouldn't be difficult it time consuming to change forms without digesting a whole new body.
  15. Yay!!! Another!!! You write so often; I'm a little jealous. I love it as always. Amazing word use and it flows really nicely.
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