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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. How are you coming up with so many questions @The Wandering Wizard??
  2. When you are assigned to make 5 small pieces of art and three of them are Sanderson themed, with writing in either the Steel Alphabet or the Alethi Women's script.
  3. Yes, these are terrifying. In your opinion, Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable? What is your favorite bird? What is your favorite non-flying bird? What is the worst book you have ever read? What fictional planet would you like to live on? What is your favorite space thing?
  4. Nice choice! That one's very intriguing
  5. So cool!!! Nice job and good creativity
  6. Welcome to the shard! Happy that your here too. What's your favorite book?
  7. I'm reading The Last Hours, which is a Shadowhunters series. It's pretty good. Also picked up a book from the library called Ink and Bone. It sounded interesting!
  8. Open it! Then switching on what it is, either keep or or throw it. what would you do if you found exactly 12 cents in your pocket?
  9. I just realized my phone decided to autocorrect my last post a ton and it's not letting me edit it for some reason. I was trying to say they're both awesome instead of whatever that post says lol
  10. Are you a lizard person or a bird person? Cause cats and dogs are less fun to ask about. What is your favorite snack?
  11. Yay!!! 2 scenes. They've both breast, but the second one is better. I like them!
  12. I should WRITE! I MUST get something down on paper. *Doesn't get anything down on paper*
  13. Depends. Probably move to another country lol. Or make friends. Some antagonists are really cool
  14. Also agree! They're oddly adorable
  15. AHHH So cute! Yes I agree. If you had to choose between an axehound and a dog, which one would you own? Assume they have the same temperment, size, ect.
  16. If you could have a pet from the cosmere, what would it be? Any odd headcanons that you wish were true? Did you notice anything on a reread of any book that completely changed it for you? (mine is that I realized that Kelsier was not 18-22ish on my third Mistborn reread)
  17. Welcome to the shard! This is the perfect place to learn more about the cosmere. What's your favorite cosmere planet?
  18. True. I'm liking that very much.
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