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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Oh cool! I'll do it again. Thanks @Robin Sedai Koloss Head Munching Day or Christmas. Both are great
  2. No, but I want to! I've read everything else she did pictures of. Lunar Chronicles was AMAZING I just found this out last year, but it was called Ookla Season or something like that. I'm not sure the purpose, but everyone changed their names, so I did too! Some kind of Brandon holiday I think.
  3. Agreed. It's a pretty good series, but it might not be your type @Elf. Not really any anti heros, and it's also not as dark as a lot of the books you've said you like. Nowhere near Six of Crows.
  4. So good! I love all of them, but the lighting study is especially well done
  5. That's so cool! What instrument do you play? I enjoy going to orchestra concerts
  6. Good choice! I like orchids.
  7. I like them! I don't like climbing them, but they're pretty too look at, especially if you're in a forest.
  8. Ummmm, medium-Large or lukewarm
  9. That's fascinating! Creepy. I love it! You ARE an amazing author! The illustration is amazing as well.
  10. Good idea! I personally don't know enough about states of matter and how they change (although I really should) to say anything about this, but from your reasoning, that sounds about right. Maybe that would explain how the mists in Mistborn only came out at night? It got colder, so the maybe liquid form that they were in evaporated into gas. That would also explain why they didn't stay indoors. Indoors is warmer! Maybe they didn't disappear, just condensed into tiny liquid droplets.
  11. Oops, my comment posted twice, probably my phone's fault. Sorry for the double post!!
  12. Nice crow and symbol! I really like crows. 10/9.99999999
  13. Yay! I love the ones that you base off songs. I'll go listen to this song now.
  14. Welcome to the shard! This is definitely the place to get a better understanding of the books. Glad to have you!
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