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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. That would be awesome. So she reads sanderson?! My opinion of her has increased dramatically and you are extremely lucky!!!
  2. Somehow I managed to miss both 22 and 23. They're both so good! I love #22, ITS SOOOOOOO SAD . Amazing perspective and emotion. #23 is really cool too, I love the last sentence. It's just awesome.
  3. That sounds amazing! So fun! Good for you. I'm glad you got to go to an awesome dance and hang out with someone who sounds awesome as well. CONGRATS
  4. That's hilarious. "She wasn't just a White. She was a Shadowhunter." Let's just combined two series shall we?
  5. I like the idea of justice, not I think that War is there most likely. I don't like it a lot, but it seems likely. Mistborn both arcs
  6. Yay! I'm glad I could make your day better
  7. Morningtide sat in her camp, counting her supplies. It didn't seem like they'd last much longer; she needed to get more. If only she could get a sponsor, then maybe she didn't be so worried. Morningtide looked up at the moving shadows around her. We're the shadows moving to Nick over there? We're they to dark? You're just being paranoid. Nothing's out there. That's when she felt the sudden cold of a shadow falling over her. @Enter a username
  8. So good! I love it. Your writing is amazing and I love your descriptions. The second person is really cool too. Not many people can actually pull off writing in second person, but you did it really well!
  9. Ahhhhh!!! I love that movie!!!!!!!!! Such a pretty drawing!!!!
  10. Same. I want to tho! Never have I ever owned a cat
  11. I agree! His character developed so well Vin is very inspiring to me
  12. Yes!!!! These are so good!!!! Anything by Marissa Meyer is amazing. I recommend all her books. On a similar note, I just finished Supernova, which is the third book in the Renegades series by Marissa Meyer.
  13. Yes, this is going to be awesome. Hemalurgy is one of the most interesting magic systems in the whole Cosmere, and might have the biggest impact on the other planets!
  14. Welcome to the Shard! I love Vin. She has an amazing character arc and I think she becomes a role model by the end of HoA. Spensa is an amazing character as well, but my favorite from Skyward is probably Jorgen.
  15. Morningtide listened to the cannon shots, bit refused to pay tribute to her fallen competitors. Two she had killed herself, and the others were only competition, not people. They didn't matter. And yet... lying to herself was harder than it seemed.
  16. A very pretty forest! 10/10 It's an amazingly accurate picture of Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows.
  17. Welcome back! I agree, and true. It only took like 20 hours to get to 9 pages lol
  18. Hello! Welcome to the shard! I'll second Kvothe and say that ALL of those are great books especially Six of Crows. That one's amazing. I also like Keeper of the Lost Cities and Arc of a Scythe.
  19. Well I was gone for 20 hours and this happened. I like pineapple on pizza, but only on Hawaiian pizza, @The Wandering Wizard summoned me 9 pages ago! haha.
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