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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. What is a genetically engineered killer fish? a dragon
  2. Haha same. Sometimes a day if I'm lucky. not pinging chaos. Losing the game
  3. Oh cool. I can't eat anything with a bad texture, so that makes sense. For that reason, corned beef disgusts me.
  4. Ah that would make sense. I dislike foods that don't have a taste, so maybe the foods that do have a taste for you become your favorites?
  5. Ah makes sense. Like the pumpkin soup that my mom made, but messed up on so it tasted like burnt. It didn't taste burnt, it tasted like burnt. That was the only flavor.
  6. Fascinating. I've never had egg plant parmesan. It sounds terrible lol
  7. Yay! I'm here. I can taste, just can't smell. It's a little odd.
  8. That's.... sweet. I don't have another word for it, so that's what it is. Don't be offended please, some people don't like that word. I mean it in a really good way!!
  9. I wish I had study hall I agree with both brrs lol. That's cool
  10. Oh weird. My periods are 85 minutes long with a 2 minute passing period. Probably cause my weird charter school. We're strange in a lot of ways.
  11. What do you mean? like class periods? I have 5 periods in a day plus one random one at the that's half the length.
  12. I agree. So creepy. I'll be really mad if it turns out to be some random guy. Same with Ruy. If he just turns out to be a random guy, I'm going to be SOOOOOOOOO mad.
  13. Noice. @Nathrangking, you are so poetic that it's honestly ridiculously amazing. (me being so not poetic right now)
  14. what do you have 4th period? I've got math, so no writing for me in that hour or I will fail
  15. oop sorry. Didn't realize.
  16. I'm on almost all of the time during school, and a lot of the time during the weekend. Probably should be doing something with my life
  17. Morningtide considered stealing Nameless's shardblade, but couldn't figure out a way to get it away from them without being attacked with said shardblade.
  18. This is basically what I imagine, but I'm sure there's a bit more to the story. Revenge, a prank, making his parents mad for a specific reason... I can't smell either lol
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