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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. It's really good. The descriptive elements are amazing and really paint a picture.
  2. "Well the child was a side character who was killed off to cause extreme emotional trauma to a main character who blames himself, so does that count?"
  3. I'm good with anyone doing it.
  4. I agree. I wonder if we will have reveals for times he was in the third persona but we thought he was in one of the other two.
  5. I agree. If your spoiler is right, that would be so fascinating. I loved seeing Marc's past and how the Steven persona stemmed from that. I'm excited to see his other persona now.
  6. "Yes... It's highly confusing." She shrugged. "I'll get used to it."
  7. Morningtide woke up from her self-induced really, really long nap
  8. I'll look forward to more! AJR's songs are very fascinating. Your writing helped dramatically during high school biology. The most boring class ever.
  9. Amazing as always!! So good! All of the recent ones. I haven't been on much lately, so it was awesome to get so much amazing writing at the same time! Also, I really like that song that the last one is based off of.
  10. Welcome to the shard! I'm glad you're here!
  11. Morningtide watched in shock. "Ch..Charles Dickens? Woah" She whispered to herself.
  12. Morningtide started running away from Nameless at full speed.
  13. When you have to make a screen name for something and can't use your real name and end up agonizing over which cosmere thing to put. (I ended up doing Elsecaller)
  14. I had similar first thoughts, but now I think it will be Wax. It just makes more sense logistically, what with Wax and Wayne taking place after Stormlight Arc 1.
  15. "Good point, especially if they are Alethi" Morningtide said while munching on chips. "I love debates"
  16. Well it's fun to read through! And occasionally answer.
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