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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I had never noticed that! It's really cool. She's probably drawing using some kind of connection thread, but I can't think of how. Maybe it has to do with RoW and Stormlight 5 prologue
  2. Yeah its rough, especially if you feel like telling your crush could ruin a relationship or they'll be weird about it.
  3. ISATs! Does anyone else have to take them this week and next? They're awful.

  4. Welcome to the Shard! Glad you're here. Who's your favorite character and what's your favorite magic system?
  5. I've only seen the first 2 episodes, but I'm loving it.
  6. "No wait! Come to my book hideout away from these crazies." Morningtide beckoned
  7. That is fascinating. Is the Stormfather THE STORM, or would the storms continue without him. If they did continue, they probably wouldn't give investiture.
  8. Eh. Its really, really good, but it's not my favorite TPBM's favorite Stormlight book is Oathbringer. Edid: ninja'd
  9. "I agree. I haven't found any other series like that, are you thinking of anything specific?"
  10. Morningtide watched the argument with interest. "I agree with Thaidakar. I never liked the Wheel of Time." "Writing books is a good use of pastime. One of the best of course."
  11. "Well Doomie, there are no longer any spiked cookies! Just normal ones. Want one?"
  12. "mhm totally. This plate isn't spiked at all" Morningtide pointedly didn't look at the other plate hidden under a pillow in the corner.
  13. "Hello, and welcome! I have more cookies upstairs on the roof if you want to join my Brandon reading club."
  14. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but the name that Shallan goes by to infiltrate the Find if Honor us very similar to Chana's. I believe it's Chanasha.
  15. "True.... True...." Morningtide ran away back to her hideout on the roof before Doomie could catch her.
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