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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. That's actually really cool. I wonder if people can have an investiture withdrawal. Like can Allomantic savants? Or even normal Rosharans because, as said above, they are exposed to so much investiture
  2. "I agree. She improved in the more recent books. Now, what is your opinion on a Moash redemption arc?" Effectively started another argument
  3. Mercy + Odium = Love/Revenge (harmony/discord situation) Mercy + Devotion = Love Devotion + Odium = Revenge Devotion + Honor = Loyalty
  4. Morningtide started an argument over whether Venli was a good character or not
  5. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite book? Sanderson or not.
  6. When your music teacher, the day of the secret project announcement, asks what one of the best days of your life has been, and you say today. And then go on a looooooong explanation about who Brandon really is.
  7. My first was Mistborn, which I got for Christmas. My parents had read most Brandon Sanderson books and I remember my mom telling me about Kaladin and Shallan when I was about 10. Since then, I've gotten dungeons at my school as well as my sister to read his books!
  8. At least in the top 10 TPBM has seen The Batman
  9. Yep. I've only seen a few episodes at the start of season one, but they're good! TPBM considers themselves to be a star wars nerd
  10. I can't think of any at the moment, but I really like all the ones that have already been said. I think his truths could be related to people he may have hurt to get to his own goals. Maybe he's convinced himself that they're fine, but he needs to admit that he causes legitimate problems?
  11. I love hearing your experience! It's been so long since I read Way of Kings for the first time - I think it's been over 2 years - so it's cool to see it again
  12. Has anyone else just quit reading a book right before the end because you don't want it to be over? :unsure: 

    I'm reading a great book and if it's over, I won't be able to get the next from the library for a few weeks!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Honestly it's why i occasionally hate reading. No matter how much i love it, it's all gonna end one day and then there will be no more.

      It's how i'm feeling about The Raven Cycle right now ;-;

    3. Slowswift


      just finished a series (the Aurora Cycle), and though it's milder than in previous cases, I can definitely feel that book hangover coming on...

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      you guys really get book hangover? huh. I guess I don't. hmmmm. actually.... now that I think about I think I got it like once or twice.

  13. "I could try, but I'd like to be an Elsecaller. They have personal ideals and I'm not sure what mine is yet.
  14. Welcome to the Shard! What's your favorite magic system?
  15. Morningtide chased after Thaidakar and Novel, who kept stealing the book from each other and randomly disappearing. She passed Frustration, who was surrounded my massive piles of books. But, Morningtide was terrible at running, so she eventually fell behind. She decided to lay in wait, so she climbed to the roof and started building a camouflaged fortress.
  16. Morningtide finished Warbreaker without discovering how to become glowing like Frustration. So she started on Mistborn, trying to remember which book character Thaidakar reminded her of.
  17. Oh good idea! I like that. It would be a really cool progression for Navani
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