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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Woah! These are amazing! I love them! Your writing style is really cool. I forgot I wasn't reading a full published novel for a few seconds there!
  2. That looks amazing! I love how they seem to blend together into one picture
  3. I love then both! They each evoke different emotions, but number 2 is definitely my favorite. What @Doomslug The Destroyersaid
  4. *Gasp* Nah I have strange opinions about what's actually Literature too.
  5. Welcome! I love Lightsong; he's such an amazing character with a fascinating personality
  6. Yeah. I mean nobody would pay money for a book that didn't have a title right? Especially but 4 no-title books
  7. Morningtide noticed Frustration reading Warbreaker. As he was still glowing, she assumed it must be important and started reading her own copy.
  8. "I will join the blood ghosts!" Morningtide wondered if her Brandofandonitis was making her imagine that the person next to her seemed awfully similar to a character in the book she was reading.
  9. "...Are we sure than Brandofandonitis is a problem? Maybe it doesn't need to be cured..." *Shrinks into corner in thought*
  10. Ah! Frustration! Welcome to my book hideout. I had cookies. But then they got taken. I still have one... Oh look! It has a spike in it; I wonder what kind of metal it is? .......Why are you glowing?
  11. The books!!!! Now which one to read first. Warbreaker? Mistborn? Rhythm of War? or Elantris.... Would anyone like to join me? I have cookies. The are probably not spiked. I trust that weird white haired guy in the corner! Why wouldn't I?
  12. Right next to me! Thank you! I will be taking this bag..... Thanks for the instructions Doomie! *grabs books* *hides them in bag* *runs*
  13. "Does anyone have directions to a corner? With snacks? And maybe a beanbag? Oh and I'm not hiding a book under this bag. Not me! I'm a loyal and well-behaving patient."
  14. Yup. And then they have to deal with the aftereffects of that.
  15. I was thinking along the lines of him actually dying in another scene that takes place after this one. Maybe killed off screen by whoever brainwashed Carrie? I was just thinking about how she would feel to know that the brainwashing actually came true
  16. No! I need my obsession! It is my LIFE! *considers following Frustration out the window* *decides against it* *leaves in hope that the ICMBAAOM has at least one book*
  17. ....... I'm going to go cry now. THAT'S SO SAD. I feel like you should continue this story and have Gav actually die. Like immediately after this. Just to see Callie's reaction.
  18. lol same. I may or may not have been talking aloud to a book last night. Geeking out about the main character
  19. Hair is one of the most impressive things to be able to draw. Taking 20 credits of college classes is also really impressive.
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