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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. It's my Shardiversary! I was going to do something cool, but the date snuck up on me and I forgot. Maybe I'll just eat ice cream to celebrate

  3. Picking favorites is hard! Stormlight is probably my favorite as well. Jasnah and Kelsier are also two of my favorites! Wayne and MeLaan are hilarious whenever together. Or apart really.
  4. I got 4 letters, knew where 2 were, and trial-and-errored until I got it.
  5. Welcome to the shard! Glad to have you. What's your favorite novel and/or character?
  6. Kaladin is pretty amazing. Wax is so funny to me with his strange, dry humor.
  7. In that case... I'll probably watch it at about midnight tonight!
  8. I will watch it as soon as possible! Depending on how tired I am, that will be between several hours and 2 weeks
  9. Is it just my area, or did Wordle suddenly get super popular? It just took off all of a sudden. We've been given time for it in English class, which is awesome. 

    1. Hollow Graves

      Hollow Graves

      People are on Wordle all of the time in my area so I think it did get popular.

    2. Morningtide
    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      huh. I guess it has gotten more popular, huh.

  10. Welcome to the shard! Who's your favorite character!
  11. lol. Actually yeah, I can imagine how terrifying that would be.
  12. So cool. I've never seen Arcane, should I? Your writing is so poetic and amazing!
  13. Yeah. It was terrifying in the moment, but then I woke up and it was hilarious.
  14. I had a very complicated and partially lucid dream involving swimming and a lot of WWI-era U-Boats that I think may have been attacking me. We're learning about WWI in Individuals and Societies at school, so that's probably why.
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