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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Oh that's so cool! I loved his talk. Sister Craven speaks in our ward a lot because she's my Bishop's mother-in-law. I loved her talk as well
  2. That's awful and I agree with everything you said in the previous post. I had to go to school like that last week and just about died.
  3. Thats awesome. I use Adieu as my starting word. Not a sanderson word, but it's accepted and has a lot of vowels. I've been getting them in 4 guesses.
  4. Amazing! I really like Scene #5, partially because I just love the name Aiden. The idea of a song fic is also really cool. I'm going to listen to that song as soon as I'm out of school! Scene # 6 is also really good. I'm going to sound like and English teacher now; the repetitiveness and similar sentence structure really helps you to connect the whole thing together. I like the end. Very satisfying.
  5. I like your idea. I'm not so sure about the drawing part, I've always thought that the spren were locked in blade and plate form simply because they didn't have a radiant bond. It could still totally be possible though! I really like the idea that Maya is changing because Adolin is seeing her as a person, not a tool. Adolin's always kind of treated Maya like she's special, and this only increased when he saw her Cognitive form. Spren are so easily influenced by human opinions, so it seems like Adolin would at least have had an effect on her, if not been the entire reason she changed.
  6. As of new information in the prologue to Stormlight 5:
  7. Woah. That is amazing. Good precedent for a story, you should continue that. I'd like to see where it goes!
  8. Nah. All writers have mental health issues. It comes with the job description
  9. You are so good at writing! I can feel the depth of emotion in them. I always think that writing is a good vent for my feelings.
  10. Temple in Montpelier, Idaho! That's cool. Also no temples in Utah. The space-time continuum has been broken! Conference was cool, but I was way to tired and ended up accidentally falling asleep through one talk. I'll have to back and re-watch it. Did anyone else notice that there were a lot of talks about mental health? Especially on Saturday. I thought that all of the talks were especially good this time.
  11. It's been fun! I got the first two in 4, but I'm not going to do as well today. I'm three guesses in, and have no idea.
  12. In no particular order Captain America: Civil War Captain America: Winter Soldier Thor Ragnorok Endgame Iron Man
  13. Marsh: agreed to do something for his younger brother, which got him turned into Death don't listen to your younger brothers
  14. Kinda, thankfully people listen when I correct them. Me and my friend just laugh about it
  15. As an April Fool's day joke, I covered brussel sprouts in white chocolate and convinced my siblings that they were chair l cake pops. I assumed that they'd hate them, but 2 of the 4 thought they were great and are the whole thing :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Morningtide
    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Chinkoln and Twilight sans sparkles are going down! I WILL RULE THE LEADERBOARDS MWAHAHA!

    4. Morningtide
  16. Welcome to the Shard! Who's your favorite character?
  17. Well, not really. Lol. I'm good friends with this guy who's kind of shy and doesn't talk to like anyone but me. Everyone just assumes that we're dating, even though we're not
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