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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Nope! never TPBM has been on the Shard for more than an hour today
  2. I'm wearing a green coat...I dunno if that counts TPBM is wearing a hat
  3. No, I really like peanuts. I feel so sorry for people who are allergic to them TPBM played an April Fool's day joke on someone today
  4. My siblings love ATLA, but don't watch it anymore because they finished the whole thing twice. I end up being forced to watch shows with them which are usually Spirit, Ninjago, Octonauts, or some other equally annoying thing. One if my sisters has become addicted to this kid soap-opera-horse-show with way too much teen drama for a 9 year old Siblings can be that bad. Trust me, I have 4 younger ones.
  5. I think that they might be the Radiant's fifth ideal. The only confined fifth ideal radiant we have IS a herald. Also, when Gavilar said a quote that seemed rather similar to "Journey Before Destination" the Stormfather said that Gavilar was "nowhere close". This could be a lie, he certainly lied about enough other stuff, or he could mean that Gavilar wasn't anywhere close to either attracting a spren or getting to the fifth ideal. The Stormfather also said that Gavilar couldn't just say random quotes. This could mean that he has to have the intent, experience, and/or permission of a spren to say the words
  6. Congrats! I'm staying firmly in this group. (Although half my school is under the impression that I'm in a relationship)
  7. Welcome to the Shard! Glad to have you. Who's your favorite character?
  8. Welcome to the Shard! Who's your favorite character and what's your favorite novel?
  9. Good luck! There certainly is a lot
  10. I love Rhythm of War! Warbreaker is really good too. The magic system is one of my favorites
  11. An honorary one I'm sure TPBM has read Perfect State
  12. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite book?
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