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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I agree It would make sense that there would be rhythms that span the whole Cosmere and rhythms that are on separate planets
  2. Oh I misunderstood. I don't know, although that would be fascinating.
  3. Welcome to the shard! Glad to have you.
  4. Probably Oathbringer or RoW. Maybe Elantris or Hero of Ages
  5. I would think that if both Roshar and Scadrial have pure tones, the other planets in the cosmere would as well. Singers, the natives on Roshar can hear the Rhythms because they are attuned to them. Since seons could count as the native to Sel (them being slivers and all) it would make sense that they could attune to the rhythms of Sel.
  6. I love Rhythm of War! Rysn and Jasnah are both two of my favorites as well!
  7. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite cosmere novel and character?
  8. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite book?
  9. I just counted all books that Brandon Sanderson has written including novellas, all 5 secret projects, Aether of Night, Way of Kings Prime, and books coming out this year. It totaled 59 books! That's insane

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Morningtide


      Sp 5 also, it's just not published. And Dawnshard. I forgot about the first two you listed! That's 14 then. And Lux adds another to the fill count bringing it to 60!!!!!

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    4. Stormlit-man


      That is a whole lot of books!!!


  10. This seems the most likely. I would agree with this. I'm hoping for either Secret History 2 or Mistborn movie, although that last one seems not so likely.
  11. Your glasses are amazing. If I needed glasses, they would look like that.
  12. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite cosmere novel?
  13. Amazing job! It looks amazing as always. I love your art!
  14. I would pick F-nicrosil and Bio-chromatic breath. You could store your breaths so that people couldn't tell how much you had, and then draw on them at any time.
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