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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Nice choices! I love Venli as well. Good luck on the rest of ROW
  2. I liked the way it was worded. Several times I had to stop and appreciate some kind of phrase that just made the world come alive.
  3. I have climbed a semi-big mountain NHIE seen Coco
  4. Sadly, I couldn't get on yesterday, but it was (USA) National Tolkien Reading day! Hooray for LOTR! I didn't actually read any Tolkien books, but I watched the first half of Fellowship of the Ring, which I hadn't seen before

  5. I just finished Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat. I didn't expect much, seemed like a classic good vs evil story (nothing wrong with that, but originality please!) but the book surprised me. It was really good! I also finished Arc of a Scythe, which was fantastic and one of my new favorites.
  6. I have never had a hamster, but I pet-sat one that died within an hour of being at my house. My 7-year-old self was traumatized
  7. Welcome to the shard! Who is your favorite cosmere character?
  8. I think that being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days saints has impacted me mostly in a lot of small ways that add up. Mostly, I think that it leads me to people and friends that I have better relationships with and that help me to uphold my values.
  9. You're welcome @Doomslug The Destroyer. I have a few fairly standard characters, but my dad's main DND character is a halfling named Bilbo Baggins who uses a sword called sting that has bonus points against giant spiders. It's amazing
  10. That's really cool! I might print it and color it
  11. DND is amazing. I have yet to go to a stake dance, but I'm excited for one to eventually happen!
  12. My parents brought me this video and told me that I have ben diagnosed with Brandofandonitis.
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