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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I love this!! Good job, the writing is incredible.
  2. I had time today, so I decided to reread the Ascendance Series by Jennifer A. Nielsen. I finished False Prince, skipped Runaway King because I remember all of it, and read all of Shadow Throne. I forgot how good they were! False Prince still has one of my favorite plot twists of all time, and the main character is one that you're able to root for. 

    That's a requirement for my books. I don't care if the main character is morally grey or black, I just have to be able to root for them, which happens far to few times. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hollow Graves

      Hollow Graves

      Hey whoa. No spoils. I am reading those for the first time right now.

    3. Mazman


      Wait, there's going to be a fifth? Sweet!

    4. Morningtide


      I didn't know that there was going to be a fifth! That's cool

  3. I don't usually cry while watching movies or reading books but Rhythm of War got me closer than any book in a long time. Tick...Tick...Boom also got me pretty close.
  4. *leaves to hopefully discover hidden drawing skills*
  5. lol. I was probably off the edge way before that.
  6. That works quite nicely! I didn't think of Autonomy that way, I guess they both do fit in both sections!
  7. Actually, yes. I like that. Autonomy is basically having control over your choices, and Ambition fits in both.
  8. That is some impressive research time! I like it and it makes sense!
  9. This makes a lot of sense to me. I agree with the basic idea of all of the Dawnshards and I like the ideas on the other side as well. I would switch Valor and Devotion, but other than that, I agree with the organization.
  10. YES! I love it. This is one of my favorite scenes and this captures it perfectly.
  11. There are too many amazing Wayne quotes to choose one! My favorite is probably the long scene in Shadows of Self where he describes the "temple of the common man" or when he and Wax are trying to decide how to get into somewhere and exchanging strange names for things they do. "Rotten Tomato", etc.
  12. Throne of Glass has many protagonists with iffy morals. Star Wars books like Thrawn also work. The False Prince's main character isn't reaaaaally an anti-hero, but has many ulterior motives and is a plotter. Renegades by Marissa Meyer has a sympathetic main character who works for the bad guys. That's all I can think of at the moment.
  13. ummmmmmm neither? probably a chasmfiend, especially if I could get it as a baby. They're less creepy than mistwraiths. WYR only read Mistborn or Stormlight?
  14. A windrunner. Doesn't come with the unfortunate side effect of going homicidal and crazy. WYR go to Scadrial (either era) or Roshar?
  15. I think that option 1 is the most likely, probably with some sort of wrench or twist thrown in by Brandon that none of us will have thought of yet. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaallly hate any theory that involved Kaladin dying, especially before the 5th ideal. Basically, I feel like he just got to the turning point in his character arc. He's going to start being happy (hopefully) and he's not going to want to die anymore. It seems cruel and very different from Brandon's usual style to kill off a character who just started to enjoy life. Kaladin needs more than the 10 days before the contest to live with his life and be happy.
  16. I only like it if I make it myself because I add all sorts of weird things and have a very particular ratio of cheese to noodles.
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