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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Didn't read the whole thread, so sorry if this is a repeat of something already said. I think that Hoid's inability to hurt people is more self-centered, rather than reaching outward. He could probably kill on accident, especially if he had no idea that he was doing it. For example, if he had a plate of poisoned food that was probably meant for him, and then he gave it to someone else because he was hungry, that person would probably die. The magic wouldn't stop the person from eating or the poison from working. It also wouldn't stop Hoid since he just thought that he was helping the person, not killing him.
  2. Realistically, probably Khriss or Kelsier. Ishar also makes sense. If we're not discounting shards, then I'd say Odium. Dalinar also has a high possibility, especially if he loses the Contest of Champions. Honestly, there are a lot of hypotheticals that could lead to certain characters being really influential, like Jasnah (since she's close to Hoid and really smart) or Navani (since she's also really smart and science-y) I also really of like the idea of Renarin or Rlain being really influental, them being immune to future-sight and having future-sight themselves. There's my ramble.
  3. So, I don't really have any proof for this, but I was talking with a few other Sharders during school about how to shatter Shards and we came to this conclusion. Shards must be shattered by forcing them to act against their primary intent. It clearly doesn't work to just kill the vessel (examples of this is Mistborn and RoW), so there has to be another way to shatter the shard. Basically, the only thing that I think could truly break a power is forcing that power to do something it cannot. In this case, that is act against its primary intent. In the case of Honor, Odium probably managed to get Honor to break an oath. The Stormfather said that Honor got to the point at the end where he didn't care what the oath was about, as long as it was kept. Odium could have used this to force Honor into a Kaladin-in-Words-of-Radiance situation that forced Honor to break an oath. This would go against everything the power stood for, effectively destroying it. Like I said, I don't really have any proof, and I don't think that I did a great job explaining it, but hopefully it makes sense!
  4. In no particular order: Dune Spider-Man No Way Home Tick...Tick... Boom Captain America : Winter Soldier or Captain America: Civil War (they're practically two halves of the same movie in my mind) Rise of the Guardians
  5. This is a plausible theory. Combined with Maya's revelation in the climax of Rhythm of War, I could see the old Radiants following this train of thought. I've always thought that Odium had a heavy influence on Alethi culture, especially with the help of the Thrill. Odium manipulated Dalinar in his youth and almost got Dalinar to be his champion. I think that the old Radiants were worried that Odium would be able to manipulate them in a similar way, and so broke their oaths out of fear of themselves. This realization of what Odium could do paired with the Dawnchant revelations in Oathbringer would make any noble order of powerful people be afraid of what they might do.
  6. I like Keepers of Wisdom, Knight of Wisdom Triumphant, Knight of Wailing Tears, King of Wisdom (probably in reference to Taravangian or Dalinar), or Keys of Wind. This is true, but it seems unlikely that Brandon would use and H instead of another letter, especially since this probably isn't a well known fact.
  7. I could see this working. Rosharans don't use electricity, so it makes sense that there would be some kind of fabrial replacement for all electrical things, including tasers. I'm imagining a future where painrials are marketed as personal self-defense weapons.
  8. I've never sleepwalked, but one time I woke up in the middle of the night to my sister standing in her doorway flicking her light on and off repeatedly. It was terrifying.
  9. They look amazing! I really like the style they're drawn in.
  10. I think that it is very possible that there was more than one dragon who took up a shard. Personally, I think that a shard other than Honor would be the most likely to have a dragon for a vessel, but I don't have any proof for that.
  11. Whatever you're going through, YOU ARE STRONGER THAN IT.
  12. I just read through all 49 pages of this thread and have decided that I need a better life
  13. Congratulations! Top of the montly leaderboard!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Morningtide


      I dunno. I liked the shield one and your current one

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      yeah, the shield one was awesome.

    4. Morningtide
  14. I would be A-Bendalloy and F-Copper
  15. I like bendalloy. Changing time just has so many possible benefits.
  16. That sounds fun! I had to walk a mile from seminary to school (our seminary is at the institute building at a college) and it was 8 degrees! But felt like -13 degrees, which is way worse. I think my ears have frostbite. On a happier note, I like seminary!
  17. I like this theory. I agree with the people who said that having the contest being over on a technicality would be anticlimactic, but Brandon Sanderson would find a way to make it work. There could still be a climactic battle and contest of champions if the contract was voided.
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