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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Bacon, sausage, pepperoni, pineapple, olives, tomato sauce, cheese (not all on the same pizza) stompote, it's a dutch food with potatoes What's your favorite type of sandwitch?
  2. Kiss Kaladin, marry Dalinar, kill Shallan (I don't mind her character, I'd just find her annoying in real life) Renarin, Navani, Szeth
  3. I really like the pose on the first one. They're both amazing! I always love your art
  4. Still going through the Throne of Glass series. I'm annoyed because they're really good but I've had to skip two parts because the content got... bad. I like the series enough that I don't want to stop reading tho. The plot is amazing Also reading Scythe. Scythe is quite good.
  5. I'll be in district 6 then. I'd like Morningtide. My username will be back to that soon!
  6. Unfortunately, my country says it 2/22/2022. Which kind of ruins it. America makes strange choices! I like the other way better
  7. Can I be in district 11? Female.
  8. It is soooooooooo cold! :blink:it's cold enough that the snow squeaks when you step on it. Even in my area, where we're used to the cold, school got postponed for two hours until it gets warmer!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 2EmLee2


      Over here, we have a half-inch dusting of the most beautiful light, powdery snow :)

    3. Morningtide


      Sounds so pretty! 

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Snow? What is this "snow" that you speak of?

  9. My eyes are greenish... TPBM is watching a movie
  10. Gets me having watched all of Wanda Vision except the last episode Inserts Loki
  11. Kiss Oreos, marry ice cream, kill cake Chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, snickerdoodles
  12. Yep. One of my favorites TPBM is eating a cookie
  13. Gets not being able to change your name back () Inserts Koloss head munching day
  14. Kiss Shannon Messenger, marry Leigh Bardugo, kill Brandon Mull Fablehaven, Dragonwatch, Candy Shop War
  15. Kiss football, marry basketball, kill soccer Nikolai, Alina, Genya
  16. gets Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (the sequel) inserts Spider-man Far From Home
  17. Nope! Although it might be because my siblings steal them from me.... I don't have enough proof to accuse!
  18. Theoretical has fewer practical applications that hypothetical. That makes it more fun!
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