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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I was trying to get it back on track by only having one KMK to answer, but I think I should just have answered both. Didn't think of that at the time.
  2. Kiss Cephandrius, Kill Daggon, Marry Topaz Kiss Elhokar, Kill Jasnah, Marry Navani Skar, Drehy, Rock
  3. Kiss Chewie, marry Bruno, kill Darth Vader (now if you had said Anakin that would be a different story) Doctor Who doctors 10, eleven, and thirteen.
  4. Gets incredible multitasking skill Inserts piano playing
  5. YES. I'm the oldest of 5. Also, the ability to never run out of hangers
  6. I had the worst migraine yesterday, so I was home from school. My younger sister was listening to Winnie the Pooh while I was trying to sleep on the couch. Cue the strange dream involving Spider-man (I'd just finished watching Civil War), Hermione Granger, and Tigger. I don't remember the specifics, just that I woke up and was so confused.
  7. Kiss Vision, Kill Ultron, Marry Loki Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia
  8. based on their performances as Spider-Man, not the actual actors, Kiss Tom Holland, marry Andrew Garfield, kill Tobey Maguire In theme: Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye
  9. That's amazing. The strangest dream I've ever had was this morning. I dozed off on the couch while my little sister was listening to Winnie the Pooh. I ended up dreaming about Spider-Man and Tigger. Ykyasfw the only thing you do for 6 hours is read theories on the Shard
  10. I did not know that that existed, but it sounds awesome!
  11. I would try, but I clicked on the spoiler boxes and saw all the answers
  12. I meant the actual Peggy Schuyler.i think she married Benedict Arnold it something like that and then betrayed everyone. I think.
  13. Kiss Eliza, marry Angelica, kill Peggy (didn't she turn traitor?) Kiss Inej, marry Kaz (I'm a little weird ok) kill Mia Black, white, grey
  14. Granted, but you may only travel to a time period with a war I wish to live on Scadrial
  15. Granted, but you become the god of cheeto dust I wish for no tests in school.
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