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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Very pretty! Dancing fairy drawing I think? 8/10
  2. He started retreating and reading every treatise on the shelf - @Robin Hatter
  3. Noooooo! My school decided to start doing regular history checks on our Chromebooks, so I can't get on the Shard during school anymore:(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Morningtide
    3. DramaQueen


      My Chromebook has 17th Shard blocked entirely, so I either have to get on on my phone or on my family's actual computer at home

    4. Morningtide
  4. Kill Life-force, kiss mitosis, marry Steelheart (cause he actually tried to do good things for the people in his city) Abraham, Hammond, Kiin
  5. Gets amazement at finished writing Inserts a not-written book I'm working on with a few friends
  6. Gets the "I lied" scene Inserts awkward Vin and Elend scene
  7. Oh! I actually haven't read those ones but my Star Wars nerd friend says that they're his favorite.
  8. WHY CAN I ONLY GIVE THIS ONE UPVOTE? I love the Spensa one.
  9. The modern look really fits him! And the mistcloak is a nice touch.
  10. Morningtide

    Dragonsteel-Con AU

    I *love* it! Shai is my favorite I think. Or maybe Khriss. They're both just so perfect!
  11. Morningtide

    Yolish Version Hoid

    So cool! Your versions of Hoid are always my favorite! The hair is impressive.
  12. Grishaverse is amazing, some Star Wars books are really good (I recommend From a Certain Point of View), and reading is always a great way to go!
  13. Gets terrifying rock monsters Inserts the Church of the Survivor
  14. sounds frustrating. Hopefully you have other good things to read in the meantime! (For some reason that last sentence feels very grammatically wrong to me so it might not make sense)
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