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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Not Lift Not Rock This character likes to eat This character has at least one scene written from this POV This character seemed to be sick
  2. not Lift This character likes to eat This character has had at least one scene written from their POV
  3. That artist from Emperor's Soul. I can't remember his name...
  4. Gets the most amazing food to ever exist, grown in the most amazing state. Inserts Idaho
  5. Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo Queen of Shadows, book 4 in the Throne of Glass series
  6. YES! The slugs are amazing. I now feel sad that I changed my profile picture to not be Doomslug anymore...
  7. Today I was sitting on the couch, just thinking about the book that I've been trying to write for years, and I got the best idea! Somehow, I got an amazing idea which allowed me to fix three plot holes by modifying the end just slightly! 

    There's writer's block, but I think that that qualifies as a writer's flood.:P

  8. Gets a misunderstood scientist who can see science Inserts Navani
  9. So true. My parents consistently get annoyed at me for getting lost in fantasies about books or living in books. They are just so much more interesting!
  10. Wonderful art! The differences are amazing. And sooooooooooo true about the math. There is no possible future where I will actually need to be able to look at the equation for a rational function and tell you where the y-intercept is! Algebra is important, geometry is important if you want to build something, and NOTHING ELSE is! I go to a weird charter school, so we don't get electives. Art, music, and PE are all mandatory, and rotate each trimester, which I love. I kind of enjoy doing Algebra. I wouldn't mind if you told me to solve for x, and I would probably have fun doing it, but anything else is just a no.
  11. "Goat is dead, but I'll see what I can do" Bands of Mourning, kinda Mistborn Secret History I will protect goats that cannot protect themselves"
  12. Elend (he is adorably nerdy all. the. time.) Raoden Adolin Vin Renarin Kaladin Leshwi Spook Kelsier
  13. It makes sense to me. Since the "you" that exists in the Spiritual Realm is the perfect, all consuming idea of you, (terrible wording but I am functioning on like 4 hours of sleep) it would make sense that Identity has some connection to the spiritwebs. Identity being related to personal emotions or states of mind also makes sense. If you have a low sense of self or low self esteem, your state of mind would be different than if you had confidence in your identity.
  14. Easy! Kiss Moash, Kill Taravangian, Marry Zane. I strongly hate Moash, and may kill him after I kiss him, but Taravangian is a really old guy and after ROW... just no. Navani, Dalinar, Gavilar
  15. No, not overdramatic! Three things: One, that is an amazing quote. I relate to it on so many levels. I absolutely refuse to read any book that doesn't have compelling characters, or an interesting plot, or some kind of evil twist by the author. Books aren't worth it if they don't make you feel simultaneously horrified and elated as something happens. What you said is so true; you are never the same after reading a good book. Two, I could never live without a book. It's true that a fellow book nerd will be the only one that can truly understand you, but I think that it goes further that. When you read a good book series, are really invested in it, probably reread it, and then spend the next few weeks thinking about nothing else, you get to know the characters better than any of your real friends (at least in my case, but I hate talking to most real people). When you spend time in a character's head like that, you really start to understand them. Especially if they are well written enough that they seem like real people. Three, I think that books actually make me a better person. This is so true! I can't be the only person that tested as an Elsecaller for the Knights Radiant test and instantly started thinking what my ideals of self improvement would be! Book characters are often larger than life, at least when their arcs are finished, so reading those books inspires me to be better. People get very confused when they ask who my role models are and I respond with Vin, Navani, Adolin, Raoden, or other characters from books. And not always Sanderson characters! Those book characters become your heroes and your inspiration. I can't (and don't really want to) imagine who I would be without the love that I have for books.
  16. Gets several Brandon Sanderson memes about Szeth Inserts "inconceivable!"
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