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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I like the smell of a pine forest in the mountains, especially in the winter. So fresh and peaceful. Also the smell of fresh cut wood. Especially pine wood; it's just wonderful.
  2. This could be a possibility. I don't really know about Feruchemy to judge. It's the magic system I need to learn the most about. Who I instantly thought of was Lift. Would this mean that Lift could eat food, store the resulting energy, and then convert it into Stormlight later? Or, if she found an unkeyed metalmind full of food energy, would she be able to turn that into Stormlight?
  3. I had one last night where I was preparing to run away and live at the library or the candy shop, dream me couldn't decide. I wasn't sure why I was running away, but I was taking my dog with me and sneaking around my yard trying not to get noticed by my mom. The weirdest part was I remember having a very distinct thought in the middle of the dream: "It doesn't make sense that you would expect the dog to to that! He only did that in that dream. Which is strange since this is a dream..." and then the dream continued and I had no memory of that thought until morning.
  4. Thoughts. If an entrepreneur is a person who starts a new business, is an entrepren or maybe an entreprene a new business?

    1. 2EmLee2


      Hmmm... Interesting thought...

  5. I could see that. Are you saying that you would be able to pull on the metals on different sides of the coin, which would allow you to nudge the coin to one side? i.e. pulling on the right side slightly and pushing on the left would make the coin curve? It makes sense, but you would need a lot of expertise and a very subtle touch.
  6. Gets hours of talking about boys with said boy-crazy cousin Inserts a delver
  7. YKYSFW you are doing a science experiment that doesn't only include the number 16, but also the number 10, and you get really excited.
  8. Two things! First, and most important by far, I finally finished reading Cytonic! I loved it. Not quite as good as Skyward, but much better than Starsight IMO. 

    Second, today in science we did a lab that involved making chromosome shapes out of mike n ikes to represent meiosis. Best lab experiment ever! Especially since we got to eat the mike n ikes once we were done. 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      nice. in my opinion Starsight was better then Cytonic by far

    2. 2EmLee2


      Mike’n’Ikes are one of my favorite candies.

    3. Morningtide


      Same, they are amazing

  9. AHH! M-BOT! I finished the last few chapter last night (after midnight), and almost cried, which is impressive because I never cry while reading. Losing sleep makes me very emotional. I really liked it! A lot better than Starsight, and if it wasn't quite as good as Skyward, I can excuse that. Skyward was amazing. I *loved* Doomslug's arc. All through the first two novellas (haven't read Evershore yet), I was wondering where she was! Now that I'm done, I have two new resolutions. Go read Evershore, and go read Defending Elysium.
  10. Not TenSoon Not Mayalaran Not Venli This character is very loyal This character is used to prove a point This character is an antagonist
  11. Not TenSoon This character is very loyal This character is used to prove a point
  12. Gets 6th read through of the entire Keepers series Inserts Keepers book 4, Never seen.
  13. Granted, if you use it you will die I wish for unlimited time
  14. Nope not me. I'm always talking to myself (or the book I'm reading, take your pick) TPBM plays more than one musical instrument
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