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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Five days until Christmas!!!!! So exited. It's my favorite time of year. :)

    1. 2EmLee2


      Same! Everything Christmassy makes me happy.

    2. Morningtide


      Yessss. Now there's only three days! 

  2. Yes. I really shouldn't, but school is very boring and not particularly hard. TPBM asked for at least one Sanderson book for Christmas
  3. I have 6 aunts and 6 uncles and most of them have more than 3 kids so I think that counts a relatively large. TPBM has eaten food in the last hour
  4. Didn't you say that you had tie-dyed hair a year ago? WHY????????????
  5. Who stole that necklace? The Pits of Hathsin would be better!!!
  6. Nope! I'm watching snow. (Or I would be if it wasn't dark...) TPBM is looking forward to reading a non-Brandon book tonight
  7. Absolutely! You make laws and have to actually talk to people at day and people are always mad at you! TPBM is watching snow fall outside their window
  8. What's your current hallucination? That's my favorite!!!
  9. My phone just automatically assumes that if a word starts with a v, I'm trying to type Vorin. It still doesn't accept Kaladin's name however; it always autocorrects to either Paladin or calcium. Calcium confuses me because they aren't that similar.
  10. Rhythm of War: I know a lot of people didn't like this one as much, but I really enjoyed it. I especially liked the Navani chapters Oathbringer: Really good. It has my favorite climax. Words of Radiance: Still really good, had some of the best quotes Way of Kings: A good start to the series, but a little slow
  11. If it isn't the start of the Ghostbloods, I'll be disappointed.
  12. I am almost never sad What brought you to the Shard?
  13. Totally. Biology class is so boring though TPBM has looked at a topic in the Skyward forum in the past 24 hours
  14. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo What is your favorite non-brandon book?
  15. Nope! I was about 30 minutes ago though. TPBM is listening to Christmas music right now
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