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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Yes! Especially the fact that his son was there! Also, along the lines of the"triumphant sadness", I loved Maya's declaration is RoW. For some reason, her dedication alongside the implications of that really got . Oops, quoted twice
  2. OOOOOh I never thought of that. It seems rather implausible, we have a better explanation for the spren already, but maybe!
  3. Wow this is a hard one. Either: Navani because she is so cool and sciency. It would be fascinating to talk to her Syl because it would be hilarious and fascinating to see her in our world. Adolin because he is just a nice guy.
  4. "If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man" slightly paraphrased Dalinar quote Kelsier actually said this. Edit: I just re-read the series, they both said it! Vin to Elend in HoA and Kelsier to Dox in FE
  5. Where is the reference for that? Just out of curiosity.
  6. I wonder if the Sibling will let Navani turn them into a Shardblade? The Stormfather doesn't want Dalinar to, but the Sibling might have different views.
  7. This is really facinating. I wouldn't put it past Brandon to base his symbols on real-life ideas, especially ones that have come up in the books.
  8. VYRE!!!!!! I HATE HIM. What I can't get over is the fact that he used to be Kaladin's friend and is now using that influence to stop Kaladin from killing him. I hate that he told Kaladin that he had a way to help him and THEN TOLD KALADIN TO KILL HIMSELF. He is despicable. I could not tolerate a Moash redemption arc unless it was particularly well written. There is no way that book five will go by without a showdown between Kaladin and Vyre. Personally, I think that the showdown will entail Kaladin killing Moash to defend others, completing his "I can kill to defend" feelings.
  9. I agree with all of these so much! I have heard so many people say that they hated Venli as a character, but I absolutely loved her. When she gained Leshwi's support in the end, I was totally squealing with joy. I am also a bit of a science nerd, so I *loved* the Navani chapters. I felt like Shallan grew so much as a character throughout this book, it made me happy. This is so true. I thought that Raboniel's character was written so well that it was sad when she died. I felt that her motives were so believable, and I felt her pain when she killed her daughter. SUCH a good chapter! ROW as a whole had so many high points for me. Not my favorite SA book, (that would be Oathbringer) but I loved it all the same.
  10. In every book, there are a couple of lines that really stick out to me. I was wondering what everyone else's favorite lines in the Cosmere were. Paraphrasing is great too.
  11. BTW, El's original title was He Who Quiets, which translates to Vyre. There is a WOB somewhere about this. I think that Leshwi also mentions it to Venli in that chapter where they first meet Raboniel.
  12. As you can see by my profile name, I am a Skyward fan. I have been thinking about this forever, and I am so stumped! So far I like Callsign: Asteroid (my favorite) Callsign: Amber Callsign: Rain Callsign: Soundwave
  13. Agreed! I think that Jorgen's character has grown enough that he would resist his parents taking him out of the DDF. Jorgen would say that he has become more defiant
  14. I think it will probably be FM, Kimmalyn, and Jorgen. It might be that new girl Sadie though. It seems like Brandon might want to write from her persepective.
  15. I am not sure that I agree that Kelsier is "connected" to another shard, but I do like that @silver-the-thruhiker linked some of his central character traits to shards. It makes me wonder if we can connect other people's character traits to shards. It's just interesting to me that @silver-the-thruhiker could find shards that fit so well into Kelsier's persona.
  16. Kaladin has said that his eyes stay light longer the more he summons Syl. During his time with the Wall Guard in Kholinar, he said that he had to summon Syl several times a day to get his eyes to stay light. Somewhere near the beginning of Rhythm of War, he said that his eyes had started to stay light for longer, and possibly forever.
  17. I love this theory! This makes way more sense than any of the groups of 4 that I have seen. I have always thought that the Shards would be related to more that one Dawnshard in more than one way, but I've never been able to spell it out like this
  18. I like Keeper of Wisdom, Keeper of War, and Knights of Wisdom and Truth. The "and" is iffy, but I guess it works.
  19. I love this theory. I noticed that almost every Tier One reference was a point in the book where the drama just gave me chills. Like Brandon was directly drawing attention to each of those phrases. Coincidence? I think not.
  20. Oh! I didn't notice that! Good point. I wonder if Taravangian is consciously using the shard to decrease his bane, or if it is naturally decreasing both his boon and bane, returning him to normal intelligence and compassion. If he is using the shard to decrease the bane, the Cosmere is going to have to deal with a super-smart Odium... not good
  21. Oooh. Nice theory. I agree. Aluminum has always had interesting properties. Now that you mention this, I can even see implications in other books. If this is true, I wonder what Brandon will do with it in the future...
  22. I think that the second theory has the most merit. Kaladin's other oaths have all been making progress toward him not beating himself up, and this seems like a natural progression. "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves" - Redemption for Tien "I will protect those I hate so long as it is right" - Giving him peace of mind about Elhokar "I accept that there will be those I cannot protect" - Allowing himself to fail "I will allow myself to be protected" - Allowing himself to rely on others and admit that he is not alone
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