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Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Thaidakar the Ghostblood last won the day on May 19

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About Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  • Birthday October 12

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  • Member Title
    One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it
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    A chair with a blanket, lying in a weird position, likely reading a book.
  • Interests
    Reading books, theorizing about books, slamming books into people, going insane, trying not to die, Brawlhalla, Dune, not getting moderated, writing, minecraft, building empires, starting another war, listening to music, etc.

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  1. Well, dang it. I'm not gonna be reading Wheel of Time anymore...

    Forgive me.

    I loved the Wheel of Time, but I gotta quit. 

    As someone I know said, "The icecream is pretty good, except for that cockroach in it..."

    The cockroach being that one glaring chapter in TFoH and a bunch of things here and there in the whole series. 

    So, therefore, I quit.

    I wanted to love Wheel of Time, I still do, in fact. But... I can't continue. I wish I could, but I cannot. 

    Blood and Bloody Ashes, I so wanted to continue.

    Well, Light, I guess that means I have more time to read Count of Monte Christo, God Emperor of Dune, Scythe and the Inheritance Cycle. Onward to books!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      The Inheritance Cycle is... pretty good, I guess. I thought Eragon (book 1) was the best, as it got to be too much for me in the ending books. I took about a year off from it, then read the final book. But I also might have to quit WoT if it gets too bad. I'll be sad, but there are some books that you're just not comfortable with, and that's that. Have fun with your other books!

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Yeah, Inheritance Cycle's gonna be fun. I started Eragon a bit before and have been reading it on and off. I started God Emperor of Dune. I'll get to Eragon eventually.

    4. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      it gets really violent, but it's pretty good.

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