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Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Thaidakar the Ghostblood last won the day on May 19

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About Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  • Birthday October 12

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  • Member Title
    One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it
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    A chair with a blanket, lying in a weird position, likely reading a book.
  • Interests
    Reading books, theorizing about books, slamming books into people, going insane, trying not to die, Brawlhalla, Dune, not getting moderated, writing, minecraft, building empires, starting another war, listening to music, etc.

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  1. I know, I know. I've already posted a few times today. Sorry.

    But I just watched the Truman Show for the first time and I have THINGS TO SAY.

    As a guy who's tastes have become more and more bougie and jaded from the fact that I've read too many good books, and has examined the writing and has gotten to the point that I get irritated when I'm reading bad writing or seeing it on screen. As the guy who, when they see bad writing on screen, will groan inside and perhaps make a remark or two to the others watching angrily about the writers. 

    As that person, I can say that the Truman Show is flawless. From a writer's perspective, a writer who can see a lot of the flaws of a work of writing art and groan at it, the Truman Show is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. Rarely have I ever actually thought that a movie is flawless. Not once since I got sucker punched by Wheel of Time's greatness and Eragon's terribleness have I ever been able to acknowledge that something is genuinely awesome. 

    The Truman Show is so fricking good. If you have not seen it, I will tell you right now go amend that wrong and watch it. It's... oh my gosh. 

    Before you turn and go "Oh, there are a lot of great movies out there", believe me, I know. How I rate movies is that 7 is a movie that is well executed and fulfilling, over all a good story. 7.5-10 is where I put movies that elevate the concepts by fresh takes. It's where I put stories that push boundaries, push the limits, surprise me (which happens rarely nowadays), take things and make them feel fresh, do a kind of character well, craft a story where each and every character is made by the story, where you can, as a writer, see what they're doing in the story, expect it, and still STILL be surprised by all of it, by the execution and by the way the character arcs interact.

    The Truman Show exceeded my expectations. it feels like a show crafted for me, a character writer who is still figuring out how to exactly be a character writer, but still can recognize when other people are doing something right (but what about write? aint that punderful-) or wrong in character. The character motivations and character arcs were so well done in this piece of film that I will now be looking back at this as the gold standard for character making.

    OH MY GOSH, I have to mention it.


    the last like fifteen minutes were perfection. The way we saw Cristof interact with his motivations, his character traits, the way that he was a glorious hypocrite who wanted to keep the child who he'd seen grow up as his own in his own little idealized world built upon a belief that lies were better than reality because reality sucks.



    That is how you craft a relatable villain. THAT is how you make me give a standing ovation and want the writers to be given medals. I need to go check if they won any awards for Christof.

    That ending-


    I might be tired, I might be slightly going insane because of the sugar and Doritos I had earlier, but I will reaffirm the fact that I believe that the Truman Show is a 10/10 film. Say any reason why you did not like it and I will give you the reasoning and writing why you're wrong because that movie is flawless. Nay, it is perfection. This movie is one of my favorite movies ever and I will rewatch it. That movie is like how I want to write. That movie is what I aspire to create. that freshness, that thinking outside the box, that great characterization, setting, brilliant use of expression and concepts that we must have thought about once or twice in our lives.

    And... well... I should probably finish organizing my bookshelves so I have a place to sleep tonight. 

    Until then...

    Good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Truman show is so good. I loved it so much. If you wan’t something else good watch “Groundhogs day” its another classic that did not disappoint 

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