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Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Thaidakar the Ghostblood last won the day on May 19

Thaidakar the Ghostblood had the most liked content!

About Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  • Birthday October 12

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    A chair with a blanket, lying in a weird position, likely reading a book.
  • Interests
    Reading books, theorizing about books, slamming books into people, going insane, trying not to die, Brawlhalla, Dune, not getting moderated, writing, minecraft, building empires, starting another war, listening to music, etc.

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  1. This is the end.

    I had a post written up, I had it down and was going to post it.I knew what I was going to say. It was short, sweet and did what it needed to do.

    It said goodbye.

    Yet... it feels insignificant. It feels wrong. It wasn't as meaningful as my goodbye needs to be.

    While I will be coming back on every now and again to say hi or to post something on a thread I like, maybe look at some status updates to see how people are doing, it will never be the same. For one thing, I have ended my characters in Insanity Clinic and TLT (oh boy, the TLT one was rushed.)

    I love all of you. There's nothing short of that. I don't know how much I can pontificate off that without coming off the wrong way. I love all of you. Each and every one of you, no matter how much I have disagreed with some of you at times. Y'all are amazing.

    I am going to miss this old place.

    Read my cover photo, look at the big paragraph block in my about me. They're all true. If you have my number or email, I'm always there if you need me. If you don't have it but you want it, ask around. Someone most likely will have it and they can ask me if you can get it.

    Before I leave, I want to tell you something. You need to remember this. If you don't, then the evil penguins will haunt your dreams repeating it till you do.

    You are wonderful, you are amazing, you are loved, you are worthy of love, you deserve the world, you can change, you can become a better person, you can get through it all, you can defeat the pain, you are valued, you are worth the world, you are the bestest, you are a good person, you make people happy, you can do anything you put your mind to, you can become stronger, you can be the best version of yourself you can be.

    You are spectacular, don't you forget it.

    I love you.

    It is done.

    It is finished.

    This is the end.

    I am going.

    I am leaving.

    God be with you till we meet again, old friend. May our paths cross again.










    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. SmilingPanda19


      He intended on leaving and coming back but he got banned because of a misunderstanding. 

    3. Chaos


      Banning members is not something we consider doing lightly. Rest assured that we never take such an action without a thorough investigation.

      It is our policy to not publicly discuss the details of our moderation actions, for the privacy of everyone involved, so we will not be expanding further on this issue.

    4. Heatwave14
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