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Szeth's Facepalm

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Szeth's Facepalm last won the day on April 5 2023

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About Szeth's Facepalm

  • Birthday November 1

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    Due to scheduling issues, Wednesday has been cancelled.
  • Location
    Right behind you.
  • Interests
    Mushrooms (especially the red spotted ones)
    Maggie Steifvater
    Having the heads of my enemies fashioned into a tankard for drinking w/ Drehy, Skar, and Adolin
    Reading (especially The Raven Cycle, Stormlight Archive, and Neverwhere)
    Not being wanted by the government
    Gerbil snorting w/ my pals from the freelands
    Pretending to be older than I actually am
    Attempting (and sometimes succeding) to write
    Attempting (and sometimes succeding) to draw
    Disney cartoons
    Dream Sweet in Sea Major
    The Magnus Archives
    The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir
    Peanut MnMs

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  1. I bombed the test guys

    Well not bombed


    It wasn't pretty

    *smol rant time*

    I don't get why stuff like bio and physics are still required once you reach high school. They should be encouraged, but i have A's and A+'s in literature and art and composition/writing and public speaking and music, and i... well, let's just say i don't in bio- and math, but i get why math is important. Except geometry. Why tf do i need to know how to calculate the area of an enneahedron. When that ever be useful to me. And it's not fair because i know that if i do poorly in those classes, even though i have no interest in jobs that include that kind of work, my chances of ending up in a profession doing something i enjoy plummet. I get that we still have to take the classes, but it's not fair that our grades should matter so much in something we're never going to use. In my current path (which i am just figuring out, i guess), it is extremely unlikely that i am going to be in a situation where i'll need to know the exact science of gymnosperm reproduction. But if i get a D- on that test, william and mary isn't gonna let me in to study english and economics.

    At least according to my dad. Ugh i should stop worrying about this, college is far away and i can get my grades up before they really really matter



    The good news is my mom made dinner in a pumpkin which was pretty cool

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Not to say our education system isn’t flawed, of course

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      i know i know

      i just needed to get feelings out

    4. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      I understand. I was mostly replying to Sequence anyways

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