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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Dang

    Rhianna can s i n g


    this is a superbowl reference.

    dang the eagles must feel absolutely gut-wrenched rn, that penalty is going to haunt them ;-;


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Morningtide


      The random ones with Will Ferrell were my favorites because I legit couldn't tell what they were trying to sell me

    3. Sequence


      Oh yeah I did see one where Will Ferrell was in a car with those Squid Game guys. Ads are mega silly.

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      None of my family really like american football - my mum likes basketball and tennis, I like association football - so I only found out the Super Bowl happened via the Shard :lol:

  2. There actually seem to be a lot of y'all here. remember that SU a while back where i kept saying how concerned i was for y'all because you loved torturing your characters so much? I'm pretty sure you were on it. Anyway it's cool to see how different everyone is because i have an allergic reaction to writing sadness
  3. Alright! I can't be the only creative person-- musician, artist, writer, whatever-- who has some random specific thing that is their absolute favorite to create. For me it's any chord progression with the E7 chord on the ukulele, and drawing shirt collars and also that part at the end of sleeves where you're wearing something over a cuffed shirt and it's kind of folded over at the end. Uhhhh i didn't describe that right. Like this: It's weird and specific but it's just so fun to draw!!! Also i really like drawing noses. Anyway... surely i'm not the only one with a weird specific like, right? What are y'alls favorite things to create? It may not be as weirdly specific as mine. Like maybe you're normal and really like drawing sunsets or writing limericks or playing Tchaikovsky! But anyway, please share your favorites. It's so cool seeing how creative everyone on here is :D
  4. Just a nightmare i believe. My parents aren't that bad, luckily. edit: hehe aroace axolotl made me happy thx @Friendly Cremling
  5. Here's a compilation of all my (presentable) Jonathan Simms drawings, as promised to @Morningtide! (the character, not the horror writer who fricking gave his charater the same name as himself. lol) For the safety of y'alls eyes i have not included my earlier drawings (from back before i was slightly decent). there's this one page in my 2020/2021 sketchbook full of tma characters and every time i pass it it is a struggle to try not to gouge my eyes out omg. they arn't edgy or anything they're just really really bad. so anyway yeah i skipped the old ones. here's a silly martin doodle as a bonus (also from back before i was decent, but this doesn't make me want to gouge my eyes out dw): hehe
  6. Never heard of him, but maybe i'll check him out! Edit
  7. not to bring down the mood but has this happened to anyone b4 top 5 worst nightmares of my life dude
  8. one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us I tried to convert a friend today but it didn't work lol. Actually i was mostly trying to get her to listen to tma but i think i was weird about it and maybe scared her ;-; but i also gave a good pitch for TRC. As well as the Rithmatists. We'll see :3
  9. Listen i shall :D also look @Morningtide it's a crossover of my two favorite medias in the world !!!!!!! Gansy would totally have a tma phase lmao
  10. (non-stop! He will never be satisfied, what would be enoooough) *chorus joins together* History has its eyes on youuuuuuuu
  11. trutharchivist is right tho cinnamon be prepared ;-;
  12. tfw when you're relistening to magnus archives and you get to episode 160 ;-;
  13. DARN RIGHT U SHOULD Also i know i already said but the book is rly cool :3
  14. OMG WHEN I READ THE ONE THAT SAID "Matthew: so you're gonna yeet off the next exit Declan, driving: I'm going to what" I died laughing LMAOOO
  15. Shard group trip to India to visit Elf and try the chai :3 that would be so fun omg maybe one day.....
  16. Oooooooo i'll listen to that!!! also random but i just realized that i accidentally saved a ton of tma stuff to my raven cycle board (spoilery stuff) so uhm i'm sorry if you saw any and got it spoiled ;-;
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