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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. omg awesome!! also y'all. Littke dark age is literally like if someone specifically wrote a song about Dream Theives and Ronan. read this (some lyrics, don't ask why i screenshotted instead of copy pasting cause idk either lol): remember when i spent like two hours making an animation storyboard for the scene where gansy and ronan fight the night terror in monmouth to the part that says "if you get out of bed and find me standing all alone, open eyed, burn the page, my little dark age" but i was just doing it from memory and hadn't read the actual scene in a while and it turned out super different and rly weird lul anyway i hope to one day learn animation just so i can make an epic trc animatic to that song. here's the full thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETEg-SB01QY&list=PLal9JwbqtTvrxl_J12WSbOvSDaEeMXgRO
  2. lol @Morningtide remember that time we convinced @Elf that Adam got brutally murdered to punish her for reading the spoiler boxes that was funny
  3. oh man good luck ;-; and can't relate lul (about the coffee not the girl), i've only drank coffee once at a scout campout in an act of rebellion against my mormon parents and it was mid. and huh. maybe cause it's bitter and dark like the souls of americans lul. (i am an american)
  4. Corey paled again. nope, don't think about what they're saying. "I- um." Corey retracted their wing, and it went willingly. "I feel much, much better. Wow. Thank you!" Suddenly Corey went rigid.
  5. "You're telling me..." relief flooded Corey as the pain of the last hour and a half faded from their wing.
  6. Curiousity welled at the warning, but Corey didn't prod. "y- yeah." they turned to show the wing.
  7. Corey face was drained of all color by exhaustion, as well as terror at the skeletons. Maybe they should have heeded the warnings that the clinic was pre-occupied. but it was too late now. they followed TAAron into the presumed infirmary.
  8. Corey's face fell. They hadn't been looking forward to explaining. "I'm from somewhere far. Well. not terribly far, but far to fly. I came to you because... something strange has been happening to me. I've been having these, sort of, fits, i think. I don't remember them so well, but my family described them to me. I sort of go rigid and my eyes roll back, and then i start saying things? Cryptic things, like 'a dead sun will rise.' Zeya said they are always short. That's... i think that's what happened when i hurt my wing. i don't really remember the fits after i have them." Corey sighed. "i heard that the Clinic is dealing with stuff right now, but we've tried everything back at home to get them to stop, and they won't. they happen indiscriminately and randomly, and they're dangerous. i... i hurt someone. that's why i decided to come to you. if anyone can help, it's you guys, right?"
  9. "Thank you." Corey winced as they rose and slowly followed after the Clinic member.
  10. "i-" Corey winced. "I'm Corey. I was coming to see you all about- about something, something that's been happening to me. i was almost there when something hit me. i don't exactly what. it's a blur. but-" Corey accidentally shifted and the pain shot through their wing anew. "right now i just really need help with my wing," they gasped. "is there anything you can do?"
  11. Clinic: The Lobby Corey gasped and blinked tears of pain and exhaustion from their eyes as they shoved the doors to the Clinic open. They breathed a quick prayer of thanks to those above that they had finally made it. It had been an excruciating hour of crawling and limping their way across the empty outside. At first they'd tried to hold the broken mess of their left wing to keep it from dragging, but they had given up halfway through as it was almost more painful then just limping along as fast as they could till they reached the Clinic. They tried one last time to retract their wing, but the needles of agony shooting through their wing started to move into their back, just like all the times before. They groaned and knelt on the cool floor of the Clinic lobby. "Hello?" Their voice cracked with a whimper. "Is anyone here? Hello?"
  12. *hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs and oreos and Raoden and more hugs* i'm so sorry :(
  13. I composed a song yesterday :D i feel so cool, it's a cello duet and it has like pizz and arco and A and B and C parts and it's totally my own and original and it sounds really good and i feel so cool for having done it
  14. Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate you. also it was late and i was upset and i kind of overshared ;-; sorry ;-; gunna just maybe hide that post ahaha
  15. hehe g e n d e r i wore overalls today, those are super gendery for me
  16. 1. i have to be honest. i do not like poetry. i do like the "i wandered lonely as a cloud" poem, because i had to memorize it as a kid, but otherwise dude i'm sorry i just don't understand it ;-; if you have any recommendations for beginners, i'd love to hear them :D 2. my basement 3. i'm not totally sure what it means to be active in a fandom lol. but i reeeaaaallly really like the magnus archives and the raven cycle, as well as the owl house (but not to the same degree). 4. hm dee dm. gotta say Taimane Gardener. I am quite good at the ukulele (if i do say so myself) but she makes me wanna quit every time i hear her playing cause i'm never ever gonna be even a fraction as incredible as she is ;-; 5. hmmmm maybe a six. a bit above average. 6. hmmm no tips. i too am procrastinating atm.
  17. oh man i'm sorry dude please forgive me ;-;
  18. oh no wait how ;-; i'm sorry ;-; did i spell it wrong?
  19. hey i know this is what my art thread is for but look at this cool drawing i made of @CalanoCorvus



    anyway i have severe art block so hmu if you want me to draw anything :D preferably book characters or podcast characters (by that i mean TMA) because i like drawing stuff i can't see better. 


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Morningtide


      That is so good!!! I loooove!!! Mehehehe. 

      You should draw Jon and Tim because I finished the first season of TMA and those are the two that I can't picture in my head for some reason. 

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      i will compile u a compilation ("compile a compilation" kinda redundant lol) of all my Jon drawings in like 4 hours when i get back from target :3 tim i should draw more though. (don't ask why i will be at target for four hours as i do not have a feasible explanation for u.)

    4. Morningtide


      Target is a very easy store to get lost in for hours. My friends and I often walk there at 9pm for no explainable reason other than that they have the best gummy bears in town. Quite odd but true. I am excited for your compiled compilation :lol:

  20. lol. u did post a pic of your signed copy of a book with your first and last name a while back. u r very hot and i tried to capture that
  21. @CalanoCorvus here u go u absolute king
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